A re-examination of Mikania Willd.(Compositae) in Florida
C. E. Nauman | Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club | Genetics, Morphology, Taxonomy | Laboratory | Mikania scandens (Climbing hempvine)
A red-petioled form of Thalia geniculata L. from central Florida
A. G. Shuey | Rhodora | Morphology | Wetland | Thalia geniculata (Bent alligator-flag)
Robert C. Sivinski | Madroņo; a West American journal of botany | | | Cryptantha fulvocanescens var. fulvocanescens (Tawny cryptantha) Cryptantha fulvocanescens var. nitida (Tawny cryptantha)
A review of the biology and ecology of Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum)
T. M. Webster and J. Cardina | Weed Science | Invasive species, Pathology, Taxonomy | Agricultural | Desmodium tortuosum (Dixie ticktrefoil)
A revision of Ageratina (Compositae: Eupatorieae) from eastern North America
A. F. Clewell and J. W. Wooten | Brittonia | Taxonomy, Systematics, Community level survey, Floristics | Laboratory | Ageratina jucunda (Hammock snakeroot)
A revision of the Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier, 1790) species group from North America, north of Mexico (Coleoptera : Buprestidae)
S. G. Wellso and G. V. Manley | Zootaxa | Pollination, Taxonomy | Laboratory | Chrysoma pauciflosculosa (Woody goldenrod)
A revision of the dwarf species of Amorpha (Leguminosae)
R. L. Wilbur | Elisha Mitchell Sci Soc | Taxonomy, Systematics | Laboratory | Amorpha herbacea (Clusterspike false indigo)
A Revision of the Genus Menodora
Steyermark, Julian A. | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | | | Menodora decemfida (Ten-finger menodora) Menodora decemfida var. longifolia (Ten-finger menodora)
A Revision of the Goldenaster Genus Chrysopsis (Nutt) Ell Nom Cons (Compositae-Astereae)
J. C. Semple | Rhodora | Taxonomy | Laboratory | Chrysopsis floridana (Florida goldenaster)
A Revision of the North American Species of Gentianella Moench
John M Gillett | Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden | | | Gentianella auriculata (Eared dwarf gentian) Gentianella propinqua ssp. aleutica (Fourpart dwarf gentian) Gentianella tenella ssp. pribilofii (Pribilof dwarf gentian) Gentianella wislizeni (Chiricahua mountain dwarf gentian) Gentianella wrightii (Wright's dwarf gentian)
A soil heat and water transfer model to predict belowground grass rhizome bud death in a grass fire
J. Choczynska and E. A. Johnson | Journal of Vegetation Science | Disturbance,Water | Laboratory | Andropogon gerardii (Big bluestem) Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
A strategy for restoration of montane forest in anthropogenic fern thickets in the Dominican Republic
M. G. Slocum, T. M. Aide, J. K. Zimmerman and L. Navarro | Restoration Ecology | Establishment methods, Restoration | Forest | Cyrilla racemiflora (Titi)
A taxonomic overview of Scutellaria, Section Resinosa (Lamiaceae)
B. L. Turner | Phytologia | | | Scutellaria potosina ssp. potosina (Mexican skullcap) Scutellaria potosina var. davisiana (Mexican skullcap) Scutellaria potosina var. grahamiana (Mexican skullcap) Scutellaria potosina var. tessellata (Mexican skullcap)
A taxonomic reevaluation of Aristida stricta (Poaceae) using anatomy and morphology
T. R. Kesler, L. C. Anderson and S. M. Hermann | Southeastern Naturalist | Morphology,Taxonomy | Laboratory | Aristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
A taxonomic revision of Kalmia (Ericaceae)
R. M. Southall, J. W. Hardin | Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific Society | Morphology, Phenology, Pollination, Taxonomy | Greenhouse, Laboratory | Kalmia hirsuta (Hairy mountainlaurel)
A Taxonomic Revision of the American Species of Agarista (Ericaceae)
W. S. Judd | Journal of the Arnold Arboretum | Morphology, Systematics, Taxonomy | Laboratory | Agarista populifolia (Florida hobblebush)
A Taxonomic Study of Aristida stricta and A. beyrichiana
R. K. Peet | Rhodora | Taxonomy | Laboratory | Aristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
A Taxonomic Study of Aristida stricta and Aristida beyrichiana - Addendum
R. K. Peet | Rhodora | Taxonomy | Laboratory | Aristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
A taxonomic study of the genus Physalis in North America north of Mexico
Waterfall, U. T. | Rhodora | | | Physalis virginiana var. polyphylla (Virginia groundcherry) Physalis virginiana var. texana (Texan ground cherry)
A two-step pretreatment significantly enhances shoot organogenesis from leaf explants of highbush blueberry cv. Bluecrop
X. L. Cao, F. A. Hammerschlag, L. Douglass | Hortscience | Plant growth regulator, Propagation | Laboratory | Vaccinium corymbosum (Highbush blueberry)
A Vegetation Classification of Fire-Dependent Pinelands of Florida
Susan C. Carr, Kevin M. Robertson and Robert K. Peet | Castanea | Community level survey, Floristics | Prairie, Sandhill, Savanna, Longleaf pine,Pine | Dyschoriste oblongifolia (Oblongleaf snakeherb) Helianthus radula (Rayless sunflower) Hypericum cistifolium (Roundpod st. john's-wort) Hypericum hypericoides (St. andrew's-cross) Vernonia angustifolia (Tall ironweed)
A weed control study on highway shoulders
H. A. Nation | Proceedings Southern Weed Control Conference | Herbicide | Road | Allium canadense (Meadow garlic)
Ability of Four Emergent Macrophytes to Remediate Permethrin in Mesocosm Experiments
M. T. Moore, R. Kroger, C. M. Cooper and S. Smith | Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology | Disturbance, Herbicide, Restoration | Wetland | Sparganium americanum (American bur-reed)
Aboveground biomass removal by burning and raking increases diversity in a reconstructed prairie
D. Tix and I. Charvat | Restoration Ecology | Competition, Disturbance, Establishment methods, Restoration | Prairie | Rudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Absorption and translocation of [C-14] glyphosate in 4 woody plant species
T. H. Green, P. J. Minogue, C. H. Brewer, G. R. Glover and D. H. Gjerstad | Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche Forestiere | Herbicide | Laboratory | Ilex vomitoria (Yaupon)