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The Research Literature database was created and funded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation. Use the search features below to find scientific articles on native wildflowers that are commercially available or used in restoration projects.

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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced
A re-examination of Mikania Willd.(Compositae) in Florida
C. E. Nauman
Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical ClubGenetics, Morphology, TaxonomyLaboratoryMikania scandens (Climbing hempvine)
A red-petioled form of Thalia geniculata L. from central Florida
A. G. Shuey
RhodoraMorphologyWetlandThalia geniculata (Bent alligator-flag)
Robert C. Sivinski
Madroņo; a West American journal of botanyCryptantha fulvocanescens var. fulvocanescens (Tawny cryptantha)
Cryptantha fulvocanescens var. nitida (Tawny cryptantha)
A review of the biology and ecology of Florida beggarweed (Desmodium tortuosum)
T. M. Webster and J. Cardina
Weed ScienceInvasive species, Pathology, TaxonomyAgriculturalDesmodium tortuosum (Dixie ticktrefoil)
A revision of Ageratina (Compositae: Eupatorieae) from eastern North America
A. F. Clewell and J. W. Wooten
BrittoniaTaxonomy, Systematics, Community level survey, FloristicsLaboratoryAgeratina jucunda (Hammock snakeroot)
A revision of the Chrysobothris femorata (Olivier, 1790) species group from North America, north of Mexico (Coleoptera : Buprestidae)
S. G. Wellso and G. V. Manley
ZootaxaPollination, TaxonomyLaboratoryChrysoma pauciflosculosa (Woody goldenrod)
A revision of the dwarf species of Amorpha (Leguminosae)
R. L. Wilbur
Elisha Mitchell Sci SocTaxonomy, SystematicsLaboratoryAmorpha herbacea (Clusterspike false indigo)
A Revision of the Genus Menodora
Steyermark, Julian A.
Annals of the Missouri Botanical GardenMenodora decemfida (Ten-finger menodora)
Menodora decemfida var. longifolia (Ten-finger menodora)
A Revision of the Goldenaster Genus Chrysopsis (Nutt) Ell Nom Cons (Compositae-Astereae)
J. C. Semple
RhodoraTaxonomyLaboratoryChrysopsis floridana (Florida goldenaster)
A Revision of the North American Species of Gentianella Moench
John M Gillett
Annals of the Missouri Botanical GardenGentianella auriculata (Eared dwarf gentian)
Gentianella propinqua ssp. aleutica (Fourpart dwarf gentian)
Gentianella tenella ssp. pribilofii (Pribilof dwarf gentian)
Gentianella wislizeni (Chiricahua mountain dwarf gentian)
Gentianella wrightii (Wright's dwarf gentian)
A soil heat and water transfer model to predict belowground grass rhizome bud death in a grass fire
J. Choczynska and E. A. Johnson
Journal of Vegetation ScienceDisturbance,WaterLaboratoryAndropogon gerardii (Big bluestem)
Sorghastrum nutans (Indiangrass)
A strategy for restoration of montane forest in anthropogenic fern thickets in the Dominican Republic
M. G. Slocum, T. M. Aide, J. K. Zimmerman and L. Navarro
Restoration EcologyEstablishment methods, RestorationForestCyrilla racemiflora (Titi)
A taxonomic overview of Scutellaria, Section Resinosa (Lamiaceae)
B. L. Turner
PhytologiaScutellaria potosina ssp. potosina (Mexican skullcap)
Scutellaria potosina var. davisiana (Mexican skullcap)
Scutellaria potosina var. grahamiana (Mexican skullcap)
Scutellaria potosina var. tessellata (Mexican skullcap)
A taxonomic reevaluation of Aristida stricta (Poaceae) using anatomy and morphology
T. R. Kesler, L. C. Anderson and S. M. Hermann
Southeastern NaturalistMorphology,TaxonomyLaboratoryAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
A taxonomic revision of Kalmia (Ericaceae)
R. M. Southall, J. W. Hardin
Journal of the Elisha Mitchell Scientific SocietyMorphology, Phenology, Pollination, TaxonomyGreenhouse, LaboratoryKalmia hirsuta (Hairy mountainlaurel)
A Taxonomic Revision of the American Species of Agarista (Ericaceae)
W. S. Judd
Journal of the Arnold ArboretumMorphology, Systematics, TaxonomyLaboratoryAgarista populifolia (Florida hobblebush)
A Taxonomic Study of Aristida stricta and A. beyrichiana
R. K. Peet
RhodoraTaxonomyLaboratoryAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
A Taxonomic Study of Aristida stricta and Aristida beyrichiana - Addendum
R. K. Peet
RhodoraTaxonomyLaboratoryAristida beyrichiana (Beyrich threeawn)
A taxonomic study of the genus Physalis in North America north of Mexico
Waterfall, U. T.
RhodoraPhysalis virginiana var. polyphylla (Virginia groundcherry)
Physalis virginiana var. texana (Texan ground cherry)
A two-step pretreatment significantly enhances shoot organogenesis from leaf explants of highbush blueberry cv. Bluecrop
X. L. Cao, F. A. Hammerschlag, L. Douglass
HortsciencePlant growth regulator, PropagationLaboratoryVaccinium corymbosum (Highbush blueberry)
A Vegetation Classification of Fire-Dependent Pinelands of Florida
Susan C. Carr, Kevin M. Robertson and Robert K. Peet
CastaneaCommunity level survey, FloristicsPrairie, Sandhill, Savanna, Longleaf pine,PineDyschoriste oblongifolia (Oblongleaf snakeherb)
Helianthus radula (Rayless sunflower)
Hypericum cistifolium (Roundpod st. john's-wort)
Hypericum hypericoides (St. andrew's-cross)
Vernonia angustifolia (Tall ironweed)
A weed control study on highway shoulders
H. A. Nation
Proceedings Southern Weed Control ConferenceHerbicideRoadAllium canadense (Meadow garlic)
Ability of Four Emergent Macrophytes to Remediate Permethrin in Mesocosm Experiments
M. T. Moore, R. Kroger, C. M. Cooper and S. Smith
Archives of Environmental Contamination and ToxicologyDisturbance, Herbicide, RestorationWetlandSparganium americanum (American bur-reed)
Aboveground biomass removal by burning and raking increases diversity in a reconstructed prairie
D. Tix and I. Charvat
Restoration EcologyCompetition, Disturbance, Establishment methods, RestorationPrairieRudbeckia hirta (Black-eyed susan)
Absorption and translocation of [C-14] glyphosate in 4 woody plant species
T. H. Green, P. J. Minogue, C. H. Brewer, G. R. Glover and D. H. Gjerstad
Canadian Journal of Forest Research-Revue Canadienne De Recherche ForestiereHerbicideLaboratoryIlex vomitoria (Yaupon)
title & author journal Article Topic(s) Research Setting(s) plants referenced

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2,212 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page