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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

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Tuesday - October 27, 2009

From: Arlington, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Propagation
Title: Sales of horseherb seeds in Arlington, TX area
Answered by: Barbara Medford


Where can I purchase horseherb seeds in Arlington tx.or Dallas Ft.Worth area


Go to our National Suppliers Directory, type your town and state in the "Enter Search Location" box and you will get a list of native plant nurseries, seed suppliers and landscape and environment consultants in your general area. When we tried this, we got a list of 6 each native plant nurseries and seed companies. Each one will have contact information and/or websites and you can get in touch with them to see if the seeds you want are available.

Before you make your decision, you need to consider that Calyptocarpus vialis (straggler daisy), also known as horseherb, is considered by many to be an invasive weed. It's a pretty little plant that makes a nice groundcover in sun or shade, but it may not have caught on sufficiently for there to be a large amount of seed available commercially. Here are Propagation Instructions from our Native Plant Database for it:

Propagation Material: Seeds , Root Division
Description: Easy to propagate from fresh seed sown without treatment. Also easy to divide and relocate.
Commercially Avail: yes
Maintenance: Mow if desired to keep even and to clear away dead growth in areas where it goes dormant in the winter. May need supplemental water to look its best in hot, full sun areas during extended drought.

Since it can be propagated by division, you might be able to find someone with a stand of it that they don't want and who would be very happy for you to dig it up and take it away, far away.

From our Native Plant Image Gallery:

Calyptocarpus vialis

Calyptocarpus vialis

Calyptocarpus vialis





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