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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Sunday - June 21, 2009

From: South Jordan, UT
Region: Rocky Mountain
Topic: Pruning, Seasonal Tasks
Title: Care for penstemons in South Jordan, UT
Answered by: Barbara Medford


I have Firecracker Penstemons and they bloomed beautifully this year. How do I trim them and when? Will they continue to bloom throughout the summer?


Penstemon eatonii (firecracker penstemon) is a desert mountain plant. Turns out Salt Lake County, UT, besides being desert, ranges from elevations of 4300 to 5200 ft., so you have the perfect plant in the perfect spot. The plant ordinarily blooms from May to August, and if you don't want seeds, you should trim off the blooms as soon as they are done and before setting seeds. This may inspire the plant to put on some more blooms. When the penstemon dies back in late Fall, we recommend that you trim it down close to the ground, leaving some stubs so you know where it is and where to expect it to re-emerge in the Spring. Be sure and clean up the plant litter around your perennials to prevent the overwintering of insects or fungi in the litter. This UNPS website Firecracker penstemon has some added information. 


From the Image Gallery

Firecracker penstemon
Penstemon eatonii

Firecracker penstemon
Penstemon eatonii

Parry's penstemon
Penstemon parryi

Firecracker penstemon
Penstemon eatonii

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