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792 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Identification of native wild grass in Austin
February 01, 2009
I had some landscaping done in my yard in Austin. My aim was minimal care so I requested native Texas plants. I am plant illiterate and just now looking in the City of Austin "grow green guide" to...
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The effect of plant growth regulators (PGRs) on tall grass species
January 25, 2009
I have a question about some established native grass areas that we have on our golf course in eastern Missouri. For the past eight or nine years we have been working hard to transition these areas f...
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Drought-resistant plants for Paradise, California
January 23, 2009
We are moving to a new home in Paradise, CA. What drought resistant plants do well in Paradise ? Thank you !!
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What flowers will ducks and swans not eat?
January 11, 2009
I live by ducks and swans. They love eating my flowers. Any suggestions on what flowering plants they won't eat?
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Grass for area under pecans in Abilene, TX
January 01, 2009
I have two large pecan trees in my back yard. Grass has always been hard to grow under these two trees, but lately all grass seems to have "vanished" and I'm left with mostly bare soil. Is there ...
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Grasses for Van Zandt County, Texas
December 13, 2008
We have approx'ly 200 acres in Van Zandt County, Texas between Edom & Ben Wheeler of which approx'ly half is pasture land and has been used for hay for the past several years. We would have convert...
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What to do about grass dying under pin oaks in Iowa
December 10, 2008
We have 2 pin oaks about 15 years old in our front yard. The grass has started dying out under and around them. What can we do?
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Native flower bed with part sun
December 05, 2008
I have recently put in three small flower beds and replaced the hard clay with decent dirt. The site is shaded in the AM but mostly sun in the PM. I would like to plant natives - what can you recommen...
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Plants native to Galveston that would survive in Austin
December 01, 2008
What plants are native to the Galveston, Texas region? Can any of those plants survive in the Austin area?
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Possibility of replacing Bermudagrass with native grasses and wildflowers
November 24, 2008
Are there any native grasses and wildflowers that can compete with bermuda grass to make a nativ-y wild area without removing the bermuda?
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Grass for miniature horses
October 31, 2008
We are looking for buffalo grass or a grass that can be eaten by miniature horses. We have a small non-profit in south Austin and bring the minis home on weekends x2 a month. Our yard has been dirt w...
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Growing grasses under juniper trees (Juniperus ashei)
October 29, 2008
Mr. Smarty Plants, Yesterday, I attended the plant sale at the Wildflower Center. I purchased cupgrass and switchgrass seeds only to discover the grasses may need more water than I am willing to u...
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Plants for steep slope in Virginia
October 24, 2008
Please help! Looking for landscaping ideas for a very large Steep hill. Features: slope is approximately 45-60 degrees, clay soil mixed with fill dirt, lots of deer, partial sun, seeking minimal maint...
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Replacing junipers on slope with wildlife garden
October 23, 2008
Gradual replacement of Juniper with natives? We have a 10 foot deep slope with less than a 45 degree angle that is all covered with old, overgrown Juniper. It does not appear to serve any purpose ...
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Problems for plants growing over closed loop field of geothermal system
October 22, 2008
We would like to install a geothermal heating/cooling system on our Wisconsin property. Are there any environmental problems with the heat that is put back in the earth from a geothermal system? We ...
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Winter care of native perennials in Austin
October 19, 2008
Last spring I planted some wildflowers suggested by Deryn Davidson. they did extremely well. I planted-Gulf Muhly,Big Muhly,Red Yucca,Purple Cone Flower,Wine Cup, Large Buttercup And Mealy Blue sage, ...
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Grasses for sloped clay hillside in Ohio
October 16, 2008
I have built a new home located on a hillside, our soil has a tremendous amount of clay in it. We have a sloped hillside that flows within 25 feet to the back door. The area is wooded and therefore ...
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Grass for detention pond in Illinois
October 06, 2008
Hi, please advise regarding grass for bottom of detention pond. I have pond with drawdown time 4 days, what grass could survive being underwater 4 days, and not die? Thank you.
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Plants for a drainage easement in central Texas
September 29, 2008
I have a 1/3 acre of drainage easement behind my home. I would like to cover it with wildflowers. It is only wet during or shortly after a rain and otherwise does not have water. I have channelled ...
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Wildflower meadow for birds
September 19, 2008
I put in a wildflower feed plot for the song birds 3 years ago. We prepared the bed by first using Round Up to kill all the grass then lightly tilled to scratch the surface and planted the wildflower ...
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East Texas grasses for holding soils
September 17, 2008
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, I have a question about the East Texas area: Specifically, which natvie grasses can be planted to hold the soil/new roads through the winter? Here is the situation: (Against...
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Submerged paving under lawn
September 07, 2008
I had 4 patches of rectangular areas (about 4'x6'or more) in my lawn where the grass is fine in spring but totally dies in summer. I decided to till these bare patches so that grass may grow better...
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TIF 419 Bermudagrass vs. Zoysia
September 03, 2008
I'm currently faced with the decision to sod my yard with TIF 419 or Zoysia. Zoysia is double the price so my knee jerk reaction is to go with Bermuda. Proponents of Zoysia claim it requires less m...
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Native plants for bioswale in Tennessee
September 02, 2008
What native plants do you recommend for a bioswale in Tennessee?
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Native grasses for field in Fairfield, TX
August 21, 2008
We are clearing youpon, briars and small trees from 13 acres of woods near Fairfield, Texas. We want to plant native grass(s) that can tolerate shade and part shade, but also tolerate mowing(shredder...
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792 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page