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Yellowing leaves on non-native weeping birch in Brick NJ
August 16, 2009
I have a young weeping birch-planted in spring-we water regularly, it gets good sun-and rain has been perfect--the leaves get yellow--and now they are a lot! Whats the matter? I love my little tree.I ...
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Wilting stems on beautyberry in Georgetown, TX
August 16, 2009
Last summer I discovered that a 4-year old beautyberry had one (of many) stems that died. Leaves on this single stem wilted and dried up. This year the same happened to two or three stems. The rest of...
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Erosion control in Santaquin UT
August 11, 2009
I have a hill in my backyard; it is about 40 ft tall and about 80 ft wide. It is probably a 1.5 to 1 slope ratio. I am going to be landscaping my back yard and have top soil put on the hill as well. S...
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Disappearance of leaves on desert willow in Tucson AZ
August 08, 2009
We have a Lois Adams Desert Willow (Tucson, Az). The leaves will pump out and then a day or so later, all of the leaves are gone. The only bugs we've seen on it are very, very small ants. Could this ...
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Coreopsis failing to bloom in Sonora CA
August 04, 2009
My Coreopsis buds form and then die. Very few open. The plants are two and three years old, in a clay type soil. Is it possible they're getting too much water, and that is whats making the buds die ...
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Failure of tall garden phlox buds to open in St. Louis MO
July 30, 2009
Why won't the buds of my tall garden phlox open? Plants are apparently healthy, no powdery mildew or visible insects, foliage looks great and buds are profuse but they don't open. I have two clumps ...
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Native water plants for bio-retention pond in North Carolina
July 22, 2009
I am looking for North Carolina native plants that can take part shade and very wet conditions (bioretention pond environment). Any suggestions?
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Native plants for a bioswale in Baltimore
July 22, 2009
What native plants would suit a bioswale in an urban part of Baltimore City? The clay soil gets waterlogged and the site has part shade.
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Controlling erosion in Leburn KY
July 21, 2009
I would really appreciate advice on controlling a serious erosion problem in eastern Kentucky. The slope is north facing, shady and moist with rich soil. Would prefer to use native Kentucky plants. ...
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Yellow bands around edges of leaves in Whitney TX
July 20, 2009
How can you tell whether esperanzas are getting too much water or not enough - ours have a small yellow band around the edges of the leaves - crape myrtles - same question
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Propagation of redbuds from shoots in St. Louis MO
July 17, 2009
I have a beautiful, healthy old redbud tree that I love. Every year, I find baby redbud trees rooted all over my yard, Since they are deep, I can't seem to dig them out so I simply cut them down to...
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Clay hill with erosion problems in Reedsport OR
July 10, 2009
We have a very steep 35-40' clay hill subject to erosion in the Oregon rainy season. How or what do we do to get some kind of vegetation/grass, etc to grow without washing away? We have had mudslides...
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Transplant time for Virginia Beach, VA
July 08, 2009
I have a friend who is not a gardener but lives on a piece of property that has a gorgeous back yard with lots of plants, shrubs and trees that are becoming overgrown. I have her permission to dig up...
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Eliminating suckers from roots of Moraine locust in Hilliard, OH
July 07, 2009
We removed a large Moraine Locust tree and also the stump. Now little trees from the roots are coming up. How do we get rid of these so something else can be planted?
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Failure to thrive of Esperanza in Houston
July 07, 2009
Esperanza plant. I have 3 of these plant in my flower bed for the last 10 years. They get west sun. Over the last three years they have bloomed initially but then the new growth is deformed. The best...
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Dividing blackeyed susans in Lake Ronkoko NY
July 06, 2009
How are you supposed to divide blackeyed susan's? And when is the best time to do this?
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Problems with Eastern hemlock in Greenville SC
July 02, 2009
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I have a beautiful, young, 5 and a half foot tall Eastern Hemlock. I purchased and planted it two years ago in the fall. It has been doing very well all this spring. And ne...
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Brown leaves on possumhaw holly in Grandview TX
July 02, 2009
What would be likely causes for brown leaves on possumhaw holly? We have 2, one was planted in spring 2008, and a slightly larger one planted late winter/early spring this year. Most of the leaves a...
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Planting from pots in summer in Austin
July 01, 2009
It's the last week in June and temperatures are going to be at 100 or more all week. I've some plants that I'm wondering about transplanting to an exposed site in this heat: muhlenbergeria lindheim...
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Why is oakleaf hydrangea not blooming now in Irving TX?
July 01, 2009
I live in Irving Texas and have an oakleaf hydrangea. It bloomed in the early spring and now it is not blooming. Is there anything I can do to get to bloom?
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Seeding wildflowers in Dallas
June 30, 2009
What is the best way to establish seed for wildflowers in Dallas, TX? The area does get some irrigation from rotors. Would hydromulch be the most effective option?
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Native plants for under a pine tree in Vevay IN
June 29, 2009
At our office we have a very nice garden however, in the front we have a large pine tree. We cannot get anything to take root & live there. Do you have any suggestions for a native shrub or perennia...
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Failure to come up of blackeyed susans in Lancaster PA
June 28, 2009
My blackeyed susans have been blooming for ten years. All of a sudden this year they didn't come up at all..why?
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Removal of invasive horsetail in Shelby Township, MI
June 19, 2009
Please help me or direct me to who may be able to help. I have horsetail (Equisetum) invading my Blue Rug Juniper. Please tell me what I can use to get rid of the horsetail (Equisetum) without killi...
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Loss of bloom on Fremontodendron californicum in California
June 11, 2009
The flowers on my Flannel Bush all died at once I have noticed a sappy substance at the base of the trunk. There are still some flowers on bush but most are dead. It has been blooming since Feb. Is ...
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Fruit in the compost bin
June 07, 2009
I have a compost bin and I use the pulp from fruits and vegetables as one of the ingredients in my compost pile. We juice everyday so will all this pulp be too potent for new seedlings?
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Problems with Green Cloud purple sage in Buda TX
May 30, 2009
I planted the "Green Cloud" variety of purple sage about 3 years ago. Yesterday, I noticed yellowish dots on the underside of the leaves of some plants. Is this harmful? The plants seem to be ok ...
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Problem with Salvia Mystic Spires in Chesterfield VA
May 30, 2009
Last August, our local Lowes had these beautiful, unusual blue perennials on the discount rack called "Salvia Mystic Spires". For 50 cents each, they looked terrific, so I bought all they had, about...
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Is cement leaching into flower beds in Colorado Springs?
May 16, 2009
I have posed this question to a number of garden centers in our area around Colorado Springs--only to rec. a repeated--"Gee, I don't know." When we moved to our new home there was a rock concrete ...
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Desert willows not doing well in Navarro County, TX
May 16, 2009
Planted 3 new desert willows , 3-4 February. Live in East Navarro County and soil is clay with slight slope to Richland Chambers lake area. Had a wet spring. These plantings appear not doing we...
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Should shredded Ashe juniper be composted for mulch?
May 06, 2009
Our neighbor shredded some Texas Hill Country cedar trees. Can we use it safely as mulch? Do we need to wait until it composts some?
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Older leaves yellowing on Savannah holly in Dallas
May 01, 2009
I planted a Savannah Holly in Dallas, TX in the Fall of 2008. It has new growth and some white buds all over it, but some of the older leaves are turning yellow and dropping off. Is this normal?
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Low maintenance replacement garden in Ashburn , VA
April 30, 2009
We live in Ashburn, VA (Northern VA). Our house is 10 years old and the contractor grade plants have died. We are planning on digging everything up and re-doing the landscaping in our front yard - r...
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Shelf life of hawthorn leaves in Florissant, MO
April 30, 2009
I have a bag of hawthorn leaves that were harvested in 2007. Do you know if they're still effective? How long is the shelf life of hawthorn leaves? Thank you for your assistance.
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Foundation garden in shade in Durham, NC
April 29, 2009
I'm trying to replant a 3'x8' garden near the foundation of our house in Durham, NC. This part of the yard gets little, if any, sun and is mostly clay. I've tried adding compost and soil conditi...
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Yellowing leaves on yaupon in Ft. Worth
April 23, 2009
I planted a Pride of Houston Yaupon Holly in January in full sun. It is blooming little white flowers right now for spring, but a lot of leaves are turning yellow. Do you know what is causing this? ...
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Transplanting honeysuckle bush in Illinois
April 18, 2009
Want to transplant 3 honeysuckle shrubs 10 to 12' tall this month, although not the best time. Please advise.
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Combining native shrubs for hedge in Austin
April 15, 2009
Smarty, Please tell me what the definitions are for all the various water, soil moisture, drainage and light requirements mean. Are the definitions global? I live in Central East Austin and inten...
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Creating a bluebonnet patch between Brenham and Houston.
April 12, 2009
I am creating a Bluebonnet patch in a well-drained section of my flowerbed. I just planted the plants (it is now early April and I'm between Houston and Brenham, TX). I plan to let them go to seed ...
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Transplanting redbud from field in Edmond, OK
March 30, 2009
I want to transplant a small redbud from a field to my yard. The trunk diam is about 1.5" and the tree is about 4' tall. What is the best way to do this? Should I plant it in a pot first?
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Planting a Texas Persimmon in rocky soil in Krum TX
March 27, 2009
I have recently purchased a 10 gallon Texas Persimmon plant that I want to put as a highlight plant in my yard. According to the nursery, it has been in the pot for 2 years. I have been "blessed(or...
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Stubs of Texas Star Hibiscus in Abilene, TX
March 26, 2009
We have cut back our outdoor Texas Star Hibiscus for 4 years and now have a large number of old stubs that the new growth must navigate around. Will it kill the plant if we dig up the old stubs? At so...
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Fertilizer amounts for native perennials in Belton, TX
March 18, 2009
I am a novice gardener and need advice on how to fertilize my native perennials. I would like to use organic fertilizer and need advice on exactly what to use. I have a compost pile but it does not ...
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Yellow leaves on non-native pittisporum in Wharton TX
March 17, 2009
Green pittisporum that I planted 2 years ago and 1 year ago are getting a lot of yellow leaves. Variegated pittisporum that I planted at the same 2 times are doing fine.
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My newly planted Mountain Laurel isn\'t doing well.
March 13, 2009
My mountain laurel was planted from a container in Dec. It is in part sun, clay soil, and its leaves are turning yellow. should I move it or will that kill it?
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Native plants for screen in Colleyville TX
March 12, 2009
My soil is pure sand that goes down as far as I can dig. I am needing native plants to use as a screen, that grow to be 6-10 ft. tall. Also, since my plantings dry out so quickly, would it be helpfu...
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Native plants for flower beds in Aledo, TX
March 10, 2009
I have 2 beds that together run the length of the house foundation (25' each), we have 2 spots I would like to plant a Yaupon (Pride of Houston) in each spot approximately 2' from the foundation;is ...
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Can hackberry twigs and leaves be safely used in compost?
March 05, 2009
If Hackberry trees and leaves have growth inhibiting compounds, should they not be used in compost piles?
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Coffee grounds as mulch into vegetable beds
February 05, 2009
Can you put too much coffee grounds as mulch into vegetable beds?
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Probably non-native crapemyrtle trees damaged by hurricane
January 15, 2009
I have 5 crape myrtle trees. I live in Galveston, Tx and when Hurricane Ike came through in September the salt water I think killed them. They have not come back since then and are brown with no leave...
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