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470 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Wildflower Center work on non-native, invasive Bastard Cabbage from Austin
March 20, 2014
Still have cabbage weeds that infiltrated Austin awhile back. How did Wildflower Center resolve it?
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Getting rid of non-native, invasive English Ivy from Davidsonville MD
March 19, 2014
Just moved and need to rid the well established Ivy planted on the steep slope area around the back and side of the house as it is taking over the bushes on the top and trees in forested area at botto...
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Sheet mulching before planting Habiturf from Grand Prairie, TX
March 03, 2014
Have you tried sheet mulching as a bed prep and to kill bermuda grass before planting habituff?
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Is Mimosa pudica poisonous from Janesville WI
February 21, 2014
I have just recently learned of Mimosa Pudica also known as the sensitive plant. I see using the USDA website that it can be found in the USA so I think that covers the North America aspect. I have b...
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Invasive thistles in wildflower field from Dripping Springs TX
February 17, 2014
How to get rid of "native" thistles.. I have a large natural field that used to grow a variety of wildflowers, but in 2011 and 2012 it was taken over by thistles. I'm sure they are "native" Texas...
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Sources for ruellia from Houston
January 19, 2014
I want to get a bunch of either ruellia nudiflora or ruellia drummondiana in my butterfly garden. But I cannot find it anywhere, and I have no idea where to get plants or seeds. Seems most vendors...
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Non-native eleagnus from Jesup GA
January 17, 2014
An elderly farmer has told me about a plant called Alley Agnes, but I can't find any plant by this name anywhere. He doesn't know another name for it, says it's what everyone has always called it i...
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Use of non-native pothos for outside wall from Las Vegas NV
January 05, 2014
I am in Las Vegas, NV. I live in a cottage-style apartment so I have a north facing porch with no one on the west so I get some there (and have an inherited cactus probably a yard all round) I would ...
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Identity of invasive vine in The Woodlands, Texas
December 02, 2013
What is the invasive vine covering trees in The Woodlands, Texas?
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Advisability of growing Silybum marianum (Milk thistle)
November 26, 2013
I just received a load of clay-mix-dirt - and after our recent rains noticed the pile sprouting what looks like "Milk Thistle." Lots of them. The leaves are spiny and variegated - quite pretty. ...
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Do white-tailed deer consume King Ranch bluestem?
October 25, 2013
Will white-tail deer in central Texas consume King Ranch bluestem ?
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Removal of non-native zoysia grass from Burgettstown PA
September 12, 2013
What is the most effective method of killing zoysia grass? We bought a house that sits in the center of four acres of mature zoysia. It looks beautiful, however, despite our best efforts at "weeding...
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Problems with non-native Chinaberry tree from Tucson AZ
September 05, 2013
I have a 30+ year old Chinaberry tree and this year the branches are much sparser with leaves and there are a lot of small dead branches. Should I fertilize and what should I use? Thank you
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Plant ID of invasive vine from Austin
August 21, 2013
A friend lives in southwest Austin and has a vine that's coming up all over her yard. I am a Williamson County Master Gardener and have asked all the garden gurus in my group what it is from a photo ...
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Plants to replace Polygonum cuspidatum ( Japanese knotweed)
August 10, 2013
I live in a heavily wooed area of Chippewa Falls, WI. Our property is covered with Giant Japanese Knot Weed. We have been trying to get rid of it for years. We are finally going to try using the dr...
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Killing a century plant from Burton TX
August 08, 2013
How do you kill the century plant, they are taking over?
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Problems with non-native, invasive Japanese Privet from Peoria AZ
July 31, 2013
I have Japanese Privit bushes. one out of 6 has started to grow very small leaves and does not look healthy. Moon Valley told me shortage of zinc, but that has not helped in 3 months. What can I ...
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Invasive spreading weed in Michigan that looks like a small pine tree
July 29, 2013
I have an invasive spreading weed in my gardens. It has black root system, comes up looking like a small pine tree. The green breaks off when you try to pull it.
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Eliminating evasive Celastrus orbiculatus (Oriental bittersweet)
July 21, 2013
I have Oriental Bittersweet growing pervasively in my shrub garden, strangling my shrubs and growing into my beautiful Victorian porch. I can't keep up with it! What can I do?
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Controlling Triadica sebifera (Chinese tallow tree)
July 20, 2013
We are trying to remove Chinese tallow trees from the lake bed on Lake Buchanan. We cut them down, but they grow back from the roots. They are very hard to dig out. Do you have any suggestions for how...
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Identification of fast-growing weeds with orange flowers
July 14, 2013
I have fast growing plants (weeds?) in my heavily wooded backyard. They reach heights of over 6 ft and have orange flowers. I have spent hours searching the web today with no success -the closest thin...
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Non-native Royal Empress tree with only green leaves from Chambersburg PA
July 12, 2013
I have 3 Royal Empress trees in my yard that are between 2-4 yrs old and have never been any color other then big Green leaves. Do you know when they will turn Purple?
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Non-native zoysia and bermuda grasses in Austin
July 11, 2013
We have Bermuda grass in the front and Zoysia in the back yards. The back grass is fine but the front yard Bermuda isn't. We have watered once each week during the spring and during the past 3 weeks...
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Support for non-native, invasive Nandina Domestica from San Antonio, TX
July 09, 2013
I consider nandina domestica to be a perfect plant for San Antonio, but see that it is on the list of invasive plants for surrounding eco-areas. How should I respond regarding one of my favorite land...
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Is a mulberry tree undesirable?
June 27, 2013
I have a hard time keeping plants alive, so I was happy when a random plant just started growing and thriving about 5 years ago in my yard. My mom (a frequent volunteer at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildf...
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