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10,102 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Groundcover Planting in Shiro TX
July 09, 2015
I have been collecting seeds from White Avens and Texas Sedge to use as ground covers. What is the optimal time to plant these seeds? We have been experiencing heavy rains in our area lately, so I am ...
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Growing Alopia drummondii from Seed
July 09, 2015
Can you give me information about, or a resource for, growing Alophia drummondii (propeller plant) from seed? I have the seed but don't know when & the best method for planting?
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Source for Pyrus ioensis var. Texana
July 09, 2015
Any idea where I can find Pyrus (now Malus) ioensis var. texana for sale around the Austin area?
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Does Virginia creeper cause a rash?
July 09, 2015
Does Virginia creeper cause a rash to everyone or those who are only allergic as in an allergy like a peanut allergy? Is it something that should be avoided like poison ivy? And does the sap stick to ...
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Draought-tolerant screening shrub for Shasta County, California
July 08, 2015
It has been suggested to me that I plant phodocarpus 'maki' along my fence for needed privacy due to it's dimensions. I need something that does not grow too wide. I would not be pruning them as I ...
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Magnolia in West Virginia ?
July 07, 2015
Hello, is the Dwarf sweet magnolia a native shrub to WV?
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Yucca Blossoming in Minneapolis MN
July 07, 2015
I have 4 yr old yucca that sent out a five foot spike with flowers! I live in Minneapolis; is this unusual ?
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Red, puffy growths on Concord grape vine
July 07, 2015
I have a growth on my grapevine that is red and puffy almost looks like it is full of water. It is a Concord grapevine. I have images I can send to you! It is on the stems.
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Dead, brown Habiturf lawn
July 07, 2015
I planted Habiturf seeds last fall and had a good lawn all winter. Now the grass is brown and dead. Did it drown with all the rain we have had? If so, what should I do now? If not, what should I do...
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Pollinator friendly lawn for Longmont CO
July 06, 2015
I have a sunny, treeless, South-facing yard, with a slight South-facing slope in Boulder County, CO. It has one patch of buffalo grass, but is more then half some other type of grass. I would like t...
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Wedding Flowers for Alabama
July 03, 2015
I am considering planting wildflowers for my wedding in early/middle May of 2016. Could I plant seed this fall and have bloom by late April in time for my May wedding?
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Rocky Stream Bank Plants for Dallas, TX
July 02, 2015
Need live stake shrubbery or tree ideas for a rocky stream bank prone to high water. Thank you
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Native orchids in Bowie and Harris Counties
July 02, 2015
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants, I was wondering what types of orchids are native to Bowie County and Harris County.
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Need to have an Agave plant removed in Austin, TX.
July 01, 2015
I was wondering where or who could I have come to my business and buy my century agave plant. As it is growing crazy and we would like it removed.
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Safe to plant Wisteria frutescens near a foundation?
July 01, 2015
I am interested in planting a Wisteria frutescens 'Nivea'. It will be next to a house foundation wall. Could you tell me what type of root system it has? Would it be a root that would dama...
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Seep Muhly in limited sunlight.
July 01, 2015
Can Seep Muhly withstand just 3 or 4 hours of direct sunlight in an urban setting?
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Horsemint for Connecticut
July 01, 2015
Will horsemint grow in Connecticut?
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Best grass for the shade in Austin, TX.
July 01, 2015
What is the best grass seed for shade in Austin?
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Protecting storm-damaged pecan and black walnut trees in TX
June 29, 2015
Several trees on our property in northeast Texas were uprooted by a tornado. A pecan tree with a circumference greater than 93 inches was carried to the ground. Although it is completely horizontal,...
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Keeping bugs out of a Texas home
June 29, 2015
I'm slowly growing my gardens into natural habitats for birds, bees, butterflies and other little critters but would like to keep them outside of my house. Being in central Texas it is difficult to ...
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Discouraging Poison Ivy
June 27, 2015
Is there a fern that discourages poison ivy from growing?
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Turk's Cap and Pavonia insect problems
June 27, 2015
My Turk's cap and Pavonia lasiopetala (rock rose) plants both have quite a few leaves that are skeletonized in appearance. I do not see any insects on the underside of the leaves. What could be cau...
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Male and Female Rhus virens Differences?
June 27, 2015
I would like to plant a Rhus virens in my yard to attract birds. I want to make sure I get a female plant so there will be berries. How can I tell a male from a female plant?
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Pollinators for Washington State
June 26, 2015
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants, I am removing invasive knotweed in the Pacific Northwest and I would like to provide native plant alternatives that would flower and provide pollen in the late summer/fall f...
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Milky Substance on Salvia greggii
June 26, 2015
The Salvia greggii that I have in the front yard has a milky substance on it ... and the plants are not doing well. Is this some kind of fungi or disease? What can I do to "cure" it? Thank you! Lia...
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