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536 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

TIps for tree grafting.
March 10, 2010
When should you start grafting trees?
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How to transplant agarita in Floresville, TX.
March 10, 2010
How is the best way to propagate Agarita? I have acres of them in the pasture but want some for the house landscape and to grow. I was told they go dormant for a year if you dig them up to transplan...
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Propagation of Possumhaw Holly from berries in Marble Falls, TX
January 31, 2010
Any suggestions for getting a Possumhaw Holly to grow from the red berries?
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Research on Atriplex confertifolia in Austin
January 21, 2010
I have heard a lot about Atriplex confertifolia (Shadscale). Has the Center done any research/trial growing of this plant for possible adaptability to Hill Country (west Austin) area? If this is a ca...
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Blossoms but no fruit for gooseberries in Enoch UT
January 16, 2010
My gooseberries always get loads of blossoms, but I never get fruit. I think they need more sun, and thus, want to transplant them to a sunnier location. What (and when) is the best way to do this?
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When can bluebonnet seeds in freezer be planted in Midland TX
January 12, 2010
I have a large pkg of bluebonnets in my freezer that I had planned to plant in October and forgot. Is January too late for Bluebonnets to come up in March-April? A year ago in Spring my brother and I...
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Duplicate of English holly for Eufaula OK
January 03, 2010
I wish to have a shrub that would duplicate the red berries and foliage of English holly. Tolerance of cultivation is also desired.
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Pollination of dwarf wax myrtles in Lucas TX
January 02, 2010
I recently planted 3 dwarf wax myrtles then realized all were females. Do you know if the full-sized version can be used to pollinate the dwarfs? Any idea how close the pollinator needs to be?
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Why do some plants resprout in Spring from Crestwood KY
December 08, 2009
I am a 5th grade student at Crestwood Elementary School; and one of my classmates came up with an excellent question that I can not answer. Here it is: Why do some plants (like bulbs) resprout in ...
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Timing for planting wildflower seeds in the Pacific Northwest
November 27, 2009
Do you think it is better to sow wildflower seeds in the Pacific NW in the Fall/early Winter or Spring?
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Few seeds from turkscap in Seguin, TX
November 14, 2009
I have several Turk's cap plants but most do not produce seed. Any ideas? They have been in place 5 plus years.
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Why is my yaupon tree not producing berries in Metairie La?
November 04, 2009
What is the lifespan of a Yaupon Tree? We live in Louisiana, and our Yaupon would always get the white flowers in the Spring but never the red berries. Why is that?
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Propagation of American Beautyberry
November 03, 2009
Hello. I would love to know how to propagate the American Beauty (Texas Location) as I think it is most gorgeous. We lost most of our shrubs/plants in Ike and are replacing them. If I do these from ...
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Are there production timing guides for native plant production?
October 27, 2009
We need growers timetable guide for native plants from seed to salable size. Any already published guides out there?
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Sales of horseherb seeds in Arlington, TX area
October 27, 2009
Where can I purchase horseherb seeds in Arlington tx.or Dallas Ft.Worth area
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Germination of Passiflora suberosa in Monterrey Mexico
October 26, 2009
Hello, I need recommendation on how to germinate Passiflora seeds. I have a Passiflora suberosa plant, not on your database but native, and have fresh fuits of it. They look very much like a blueber...
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Gathering Purple Coneflower seeds in Burnet TX
October 10, 2009
I have grown some Purple Coneflower and now am trying to save the seeds to plant next spring. I have a bucket full of dried tops and I know there is a lot of seeds. Is there an easy way to separate ...
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Propagating American Beautyberry in Medina OH
October 05, 2009
I brought home a small branch of American beautyberries when I was vacationing in N. Carolina. How do I go about planting them and will they survive in the Cleveland area?
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Cold hardiness of Liatris bulbs
October 05, 2009
I live in Lexington KY - This spring I planted Liatris or Blazing Stars. Should I take up the bulbs and replant in spring or leave them in the ground?
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Removal of pups from Century Plant after blooming in Prairieville LA
October 03, 2009
Will the main part of the century plant always die after it grows a stalk? I have babies coming off the base and need to know if I should separate them to keep them alive.
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Propagation of Mexican buckeye from seeds in San Antonio
October 02, 2009
I recently collected seeds from a Mexican buckeye. Is it best to plant them now or wait until spring? Do they need to be scarified?
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Propagating a new tree from a magnolia in Johnsburg IL
September 22, 2009
My friend would like to reroot her magnolia tree in her front yard to bring it with her to Memphis. The tree is huge and easiest to reroot if possible. Does she trim branches to root, or dry the seeds...
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Nutlet on rudbekia plants from Quincy IL
September 21, 2009
On rudbeckia plants, what is a nutlet?
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Dividing obedient plant in New Waterford OH
September 19, 2009
I live in northeast Ohio, and have an obedient plant, which has spread, (a little) since last year when I bought it. I really do like the plant, and wanted to put it in several more areas in the garde...
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Failure to bloom of Turk's cap in Midland TX
September 08, 2009
My turk's cap won't make flowers. It has daily watering via irrigation system, and soft amended soil. The plant is beautiful and thriving, but no flowers. What should I do?
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