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332 Results:   10 25 50  100 per page

Plant ID and pruning in Portage IN
April 09, 2009
I'm looking for information on trimming a bush about 6 feet in diameter with orange horns in bloom and its name.
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Pruning a mock orange in Charleston WV
March 30, 2009
How far back and when do I prune a "Mock Orange" in order to get it to bloom?
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Stubs of Texas Star Hibiscus in Abilene, TX
March 26, 2009
We have cut back our outdoor Texas Star Hibiscus for 4 years and now have a large number of old stubs that the new growth must navigate around. Will it kill the plant if we dig up the old stubs? At so...
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When and how to prune lavender (Lavandula sp.)
March 20, 2009
Dear Mr. Smarty Plants I have a Goodwin Creek Lavender plant that I planted last year. It did very well but my question is about pruining. It seems that there is some growth coming up now that it...
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Cutting back achillea in New York
March 18, 2009
Last summer I planted three gorgeous hearty achillea with flat, yellow tops, about 3 feet high or more each, in my sunny garden. But after they were done flowering, I left those very pretty brown stem...
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Controlling size of red yucca in Austin
March 13, 2009
I have planted red yucca in my backyard, which produces many flowering stalks for the past few years. These red yucca are becoming too large for the area that are planted in. What recommendations do...
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Trimming a rock rose in Richardson TX
March 11, 2009
I have a Rock Rose (Pavonia lasiopetala)in my garden. I cannot find any information on how to trim or whether I should trim this plant. If so when? Mine is pretty much growing all over the place and...
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Removal of Carolina Jasmine in San Antonio
March 02, 2009
We are attempting to permanently remove large old-growth Carolina Yellow Jasmine, Gelsemium sempervirens bushes from our property. The bushes are cut down. Any suggestions for stump/root removal (mec...
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Trimming back Texas Star hibiscus in Granbury TX
February 26, 2009
Can I trim back my Texas Star Hibuscus? And when do I do that?
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Trimming a bur oak in Llano, TX
February 06, 2009
We have a beautiful, large Burr Oak next to our house. This tree has many large lateral branches. I have trimmed dead branches, but no other trimming. It grows a lot of "suckers" during growing sea...
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Maintenance of Bicolor Sage in Austin
February 05, 2009
I had quite a bit of Bicolor Sage planted when my yard was landscaped. I am now wondering on the proper plant maintenance. Do I prune back and if so, how much and when do I prune?
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Storm damage to native sweet bay magnolias in Kentucky
February 04, 2009
Can you please share information on storm damage to sweet bay magnolias; if the top is broken off can the tree maintain its natural shape or will the sides begin to grow more than the top; i.e., growt...
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Trimming of dead foliage on trunks of yucca in California
December 21, 2008
There is a Yucca plant in the back yard. I want to know how to get the old foliage that has died off of the trunks, it looks kind of ragged. The foliage is about three feet from the green. Can you ...
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Hedge of native Purple Sage in Austin
November 20, 2008
Hi, I would like to plant a dense hedge of Purple Sage that will hopefully grow from 6-8 ' tall and about 4' wide. I purchased the Silverado Sage Leucophyllum frutescens 'Berstar Dwarf' variety....
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Hurricane damage to pecan tree
November 12, 2008
The recent hurricane twisted the top out of our pecan tree, leaving a couple still attached but down on the ground. Could we cut all of the damage off and just leave the trunk? Would there be a chan...
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Winter pruning for yucca in Michigan
November 10, 2008
I live in SE Michigan and have an outdoor yucca plant that has grown quite large. My father tells me that I can literally cut it down to the ground in the fall and that it will grow back the followin...
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Trimming native Yucca filamentosa for winter in Illinois
October 18, 2008
I live in northern IL and I have approximately 5 yucca plants, Adams needle, my question is do I need to trim them down for winter for best growth the next year?
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Pruning of Burning Bush in Missouri
October 15, 2008
I live in MO and am pretty sure I have burning bushes on either side of my deck. My question is that they are huge and overgrown but I feel if I cut them lower and shape the sides up I will be left w...
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Pruning for native oak in Houston
October 06, 2008
I have an oak tree, and I was wondering if I prune from the top down, would it get fuller at the bottom? Or can you tell me how to prune it? I have been pruning from the bottom up and it is growing ta...
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Preservation of a Lantana Tree in New York
October 05, 2008
I have a Lantana Tree that grew beautiful over the summer, now Winter is coming and I don't know what to do with this tree, I live in Monroe, New York. Could you please help me out. Thank you.
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Freeze-back of Hamelia patens in winter in Texas
October 03, 2008
Will the hamelia patens freeze back in the winter ?
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Pruning native Senna lindheimeriana
September 28, 2008
I asked a question about pruning a Texas Senna tree. The Texas Senna I have is either a S. wislizenii or a S.lindheimeriana. It is a beautiful tree that I purchased at a Texas Native Plant nursery. ...
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Survival of native yaupon in The Woodlands, TX after hurricane
September 25, 2008
One of my large native yaupons trees (8ft) fell away from a group during the hurricane. I have uprighted and tied it off for stability. Now the leaves are all brown and falling. Is the tree dead or...
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Leaves dropping on native Texas Mountain Laurel in San Antonio
September 20, 2008
Please help. We have a beautiful TX Mountain Laurel in our front yard. This year the leaves are dropping like snow in the north. What do you think is wrong with our tree?
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Pruning mature cedar elm trees in San Antonio
September 14, 2008
When is the right time to prune my several mature cedar elm trees? I'm in San Antonio, and they have never been trimmed in the 55 years we have lived in this home. I have several that are at least 7...
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