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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Lago Vista, TX
Tree protection during construction
What measures can/should be taken to ensure the health, future of live oaks while building a new home? There are many small to medium oaks on this property, some very close to the house site and the o...
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Lago Vista, TX
Late planting plum tree from Lago Vista, TX
I have two plum trees in plastic containers that I purchased in March. For a lot of reasons, we didn't get them planted. I have kept them alive by watering consistently, but I am now wondering what...
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Lago Vista, TX
Inoculant for bluebonnets
Where can I find inoculant for my bluebonnets? I have searched high and low. Native American Seeds does not carry it. I can buy it for soybeans in a huge quantity, but am not sure that this is the ...
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Lago Vista, TX
Where to find nursery type containers in Austin TX
Where in Austin TX can I purchase nursery type containers to transplant my seedling
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Lago Vista , TX
Winter damage to non-native Jasminum mesnyi
I planted 6 shrubs in 2006 that I think are some type of jasmine that have yellow flowers. Can't remember the name. I live in Lago Vista TX just outside Austin. This year 3 are doing really well a...
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Lago Vista, TX
Problems with non-native peach trees from Lago Vista TX
I have two peach trees that are setting fruit. Last year the small fruit had sap coming out of most of them. When they ripened there was a rotten spot in each of them. I had to throw most of them aw...
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Lago Vista, TX
Rejuvenating an old Wax myrtle hedge
I have 8 wax myrtles that were planted about 9 years ago as a screen from our neighbors. They are about 12 feet high. During the past 9 months they are getting thinner and thinner. Two of them hav...
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Lago Vista, TX
Pruning of crepe myrtles
I have three crepe myrtle trees in my yard. When do I trim back the branches? What if I waited too long to trim them back? Can I still do it? How far do I trim them back? Thank you.
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Lago Vista, TX
How do I prepare blackfoot daisies for winter in Austin, TX
I have blackfoot daisies in my garden that have bloomed all summer. They are cascading out of the bed onto my lawn/grass. They have been so beautiful that I hate to cut them back. How do I prepare t...
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Lago Vista, TX
Transplanting live oaks in summer
I have a need to transplant a live oak tree on a home building site. The need is now, the house is almost completely built out and the owners did not prep the site by moving trees or prepping them to ...
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Lago Vista, TX
Failure to bloom of red yucca from Lago Vista TX
I am in Lago Vista - trying to find out why I can't get my red yucca to bloom. The first year they were great and now after two or three years - no measurable spikes have shown up. HELP!
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Lago Vista, TX
Winter trimming of Greggs mistflower
Do I cut my gregg's mist back to the ground for the winter or just leave it alone?
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Lago Vista, TX
Deer-resistant native ground cover for part sun in Lago Vista TX
Looking for a ground cover in an area that gets partial sun, is level and good drainage. Area is 10' x 20'. Thought about Trachelospermun Asiaticum (Asiatic Jasmine) but what ever I go with it has t...
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Lago Vista, TX
Making cuttings from purple sage in Austin, TX.
I would like to plant additional purple sage for landscaping. May I do this with cuttings from an existing adult plant? If so, how and when would be the best method? I live in Lago Vista, TX
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Lago Vista, TX
Stressed Texas persimmon, Diospyros texana
I planted a 5' Texas Persimmon last is watered by drip irrigation and has done well, putting on lots of new leaves and looking healthy as can be. That is, until several days ago when it began...
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Lago Vista, TX
Technique of using cut flowers to make paper
Have an inquiry regarding how to locate (or if such a craft/technique exists) someone or some service that is aware of a process to take fresh-cut flowers & dry & press them into paper or onto paper t...
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Lago Vista, TX
Deer-resistant shade shrubs for Lago Vista, TX.
I purchased a home in Lago Vista, Tx. It has a very shady front yard. I want to plant some blooming shrubs that THE DEER WON'T EAT! I would prefer native plants for the area. What should I look f...
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Lago Vista, TX
Deer resistance of non-native Loropetalum
I love Loropetalum (Plum Delight). Is it Deer Resistant?
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Lago Vista, TX
Is Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) deer resistant
I visited a building in Austin, Texas today that had Star Jasmine out front. The man I was visiting said it is also called Confederate Jasmine. It smelled divine! I am wondering if it is deer resis...
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Lago Vista, TX
Transplanting seedlings washed out of area by rain
I sowed a rather large area in my wild back yard in wildflowers. There is no grass. A few weeks later after we had been watering them because of no rain (in Sept), we got way too much rain and many o...
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Lago Vista, TX
Spineless prickly pear from Lago Vista TX
We visited Lady Bird Johnson Center yesterday. I was impressed with the spine less prickly pear cactus. Is it a native or a hybrid?
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