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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

Morgan, TX
Transplanting of yucca plants
We have several Arkansas Yucca plants in our yard that we want to transplant to a plant bed. How do we do that?
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Iredell, TX
Non-native Japanese maple
I have a small Japanese Maple that I planted last fall. I planted it under a huge pecan tree where it gets dappled shade. It has grown very little this spring and summer and the leaves are gray and ...
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Iredell, TX
Pruning native Senna lindheimeriana
I asked a question about pruning a Texas Senna tree. The Texas Senna I have is either a S. wislizenii or a S.lindheimeriana. It is a beautiful tree that I purchased at a Texas Native Plant nursery. ...
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Iredell, TX
When to prune Texas Coral Honeysuckle in Iredell, TX?
When can I prune Texas coral honeysuckle? It needs to be pruned so that it will fill out. Also, how much do I prune it? Thank you,
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Iredell, TX
Information about blackleaf elderberry
I was given a blackleaf elderberry. Do I plant this tree in shade or sun? Also, does it require a lot of moisture? Thank you.
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Iredell, TX
Need plants for a hedge in Iredell, Tx
I have six Penelope roses that I planted for a hedge about 14 years ago. I need to replace them. Will you please recommend heat tolerant plants that grow between 3-5 feet tall, preferable blooming, ...
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Iredell, TX
Non-native Senna corymbosa
I have a large Texas Senna tree - at least 7'x8'. It is covered in beautiful yellow blooms; however, it will need to be pruned in the winter. Please let me know how much to prune it and when is th...
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Iredell, TX
What's attacking my Nellie Stevens Holly plants in Iredell, TX?
I just bought 10 Nellie R. Stevens holly bushes and planted them as a screen. The leaves on some of the plants are at least half white - not yellow but white. Apparently they were like that when I b...
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Clifton, TX
Native landscaping and wildlife gardening in Clifton, TX
I am moving to Clifton, TX, and I will have an empty lot in the town along with my own home/lot. What kind of soil can I expect? I want to grow a wildflower site to just sit and enjoy and feed the a...
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Clifton, TX
Collecting seeds for Texas Bluebell from Clifton TX
How and when should I try and collect seeds from the Texas Bluebell?
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Nemo, TX
Identification of bluebonnet-like flower
I have discovered a plant that looks like a bluebonnet but is much larger. It has leggy stems and similar leaf structure and the bonnet in more compact with purple vs blue flowers. The plant is growin...
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Glen Rose, TX
Native Wildflowers and Grasses for Texas Acreage
I recently purchased about 36 acres in Somervell County, Texas where cedar had been bulldozed and burned (many large spots). What would be the best native flowers or grasses to replant in that area? L...
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Glen Rose, TX
Hiding a chicken house from Glen Rose TX
To hide a chicken house, which do you recommend, crape myrtles or chinese photinias?
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Whitney, TX
Yellow bands around edges of leaves in Whitney TX
How can you tell whether esperanzas are getting too much water or not enough - ours have a small yellow band around the edges of the leaves - crape myrtles - same question
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Whitney, TX
Removing a hackberry stump from a non-native fig tree
I have a fig tree that is at least 50 years old. A hackberry tree is growing up through the fig. I have cut it back several times (it is probably 3 inches in diameter at ground level), but have been...
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Whitney, TX
Sticky film on oak tree leaves from Whitney TX
What is the sticky film that is coating leaves on our oak trees?
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Whitney, TX
Plants for oak shade from Whitney TX
I live in Whitney, Texas and have a number of beautiful Live Oak trees in a portion of my yard providing deep shade. Asian Jasmine grows in about 5 ft circle around them and then nothing! I have walk ...
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Rainbow, TX
Transplanting Mustang Grapes
What is the best way to grow mustang grapes? We have vines established over the property but up too high to continue to harvest and a couple of young vines on the ground that haven't reached the clo...
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Rio Vista, TX
Native wild plum trees for Johnson County, Texas
What native wild plums will grow in southern Johnson County? And where can I find the trees locally? Thank you
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Woodbury, TX
Drought tolerant grass for small lawn from Woodbury TX
Trying to establish small lawn area, needs to be drought tolerant, water wise. Have tried Turffalo with poor results. Recommendation please.
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Hico, TX
Identification of possible Hairy Cluster Vine or Clematis
I found a small twining vine with purple to lavender, tubular flowers hanging on one side of the stem. The leaves are very narrow and alternate about 3/4"-1" long. I found them on the side of the ...
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