Native Plants

Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?
A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.
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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

Questions From Near You
Mansfield, TX
Native alternatives to St. Augustine for under an Arizona Ash
I live in Mansfield, TX. We have a large Arizona Ash tree in our back yard. No grass will grow under it. We are thinking of laying sod (St. Augustine) there. Is this a good solution and if so, whe...
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Mansfield, TX
Xeric landscaping walls in Mansfield TX
We have two stone, concave 10 ft. high entry walls to our private street. These are each 20 ft. in length and face the west. What xeriscaping accent plants would you recommend. Also, should we crea...
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Mansfield, TX
Hardy, inexpensive perennials for Mansfield, TX
I am trying to fill two flowerbeds that are in full sun mostly and right next to the house. I want something that can live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area and is pretty hardy. I also don't want to spe...
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Mansfield, TX
Problem with oak trees in Mansfield, Texas
We have lost 2 large oaks last year & now another is nearly gone. It has several large patches of missing bark - beneath a thin layer of skin-like membrane that seemed to separate it from the bark i...
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Mansfield, TX
Will Butterfly Plant Survive in Mansfield, Texas
I have a butterfly plant that was very successful (about 4 feet tall) right up until the cold snap three weeks ago. I've read they have a tap root, so I'm hoping it will come back next spring. Mea...
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Mansfield, TX
Climbing vines for partial shade in North Texas
I've read your recommendations for climbing vines in partial-shade, but requestor was from Central Texas (Austin-area). Would those recommendations hold true for North Texas (DFW area)?
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Mansfield, TX
Phyla nodiflora as a ground cover
I'm considering using frogfruit in my lawn and between stepping stones. However, I'm concerned about it being invasive. The tree is in the front lawn and don't want it to take over the Bermuda law...
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Mansfield, TX
Removal of Ashe juniper trees
I have 15 acres with scattered huge oak and elm trees with tens of thousands of Ashe Juniper (cedar) trees 2” to 10” in diameter growing within the drip zone of the hardwoods. How do I take out the c...
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Mansfield, TX
Moving non-native globe willow in Mansfield TX
I have a globe willow that we planted in a little landscaped area out front of house not realizing how large top would get. Can I move the tree without damaging it? It is about 9 ft tall, 5-6 ft wid...
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venus, TX
Need an inexpensive blooming tree in Venus, TX
I need a non expensive booming tree for our yard.
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Venus, TX
Propagation of Texas bluebells from seed
I have a few Texas Bluebell seeds. I would like to grow these in my yard. What would be the best place..pot or flower bed? When should I plant? How to maintain?
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Dalworthington Gardens, TX
Management practices to eradicate Johnson grass
Please suggest some eradication methods for Johnson grass. It is established in a field that I want to encourage native wildflowers/plants such as goldenrod, prairie coneflower, blue eyed grass, milkw...
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Midlothian, TX
More on bluebonnets
I am flying a photographer in on April 7, 2005, for a special art project on Bluebonnets. We have 3 days set aside for the shot. Where are THE best places to capture Bluebonnets in the wild?
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Midlothian, TX
Locales for photographing wildflowers in Dallas, TX area
My daughter has a project for school where she has to find and take her picture with 20 different Texas wildflowers and identify them. We have found some of the more common ones, but I was wondering ...
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Midlothian, TX
How to combat weeds growing in mulch
Trying to decide on either ground cover plants, or some type of gravel. We have a new house where the builder has planted small shrubs in the full sun flower bed next to house. The bed has mulch at th...
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Midlothian, TX
Making Tea from Croton monanthogynus
Do you have any other information on the value of croton monanthogynus as a tea? Nutritive value? Possible adverse reactions?
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Midlothian, TX
Non-toxic Groundcover for North-Central Texas
I need a creeping ground cover for shade that is non-toxic to dogs. I had planned on Swedish ivy until I read it was toxic. Is Asian jasmine toxic? Or, do you have any suggestions?
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Burleson, TX
Yucca with halticotoma valida bugs in Burleson TX
I have had Yucca plants in my yard for 10 years, but this year is the first time I have seen halticotoma valda, and there are thousands of them. How do I get rid of them? are they harmful to the plan...
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Burleson, TX
Bulletproof plants from Burleson TX
I recently wrote you a question concerning planting a privacy plant consisting of wax leaf ligustrum on my country property. Your answer was immediate (thank you-I am impressed). I like the wax leaf ...
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Burleson, TX
Are kidney wood and beebrush related from Burleson TX
I have a kidneywood tree from a nursery. I also have a Beebrush plant. My reference on Beebrush designates it as kidneywood. My two plants look similar but somewhat different. I am confused. Are they ...
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Burleson, TX
Yard Trees for Burleson, TX
We need to replace 2 mature pear trees in our front yard, north side of the house in Burleson, TX. We are looking for faster growing trees that will last for decades that resist disease in clay soil....
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