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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants

Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Please forgive us, but Mr. Smarty Plants has been overwhelmed by a flood of mail and must take a break for awhile to catch up. We hope to be accepting new questions again soon. Thank you!

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Questions From Near You

Sulphur, OK
School children planting trees native to Oklahoma and North Texas
Hello, I'll be going into grade school classrooms to teach children how to plant trees. Perhaps they will each plant a seed in a cup to take home to plant in their yard. I may even be able to get see...
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Sulphur, OK
Why do the leaves of my potted Esperanza plant look droopy?
My Esperanza plant leaves look droopy. I have it in a big pot and have for 3 years.
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Ada, OK
Will buffalograss thrive in Ada OK?
Would buffalo grass thrive in Pontotoc County, Oklahoma, where my sandy loamie soil struggles with summer droughts?
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Wanette, OK
Rust spots on non-native red tip photinia
I live in Oklahoma and my red tips have rust spots on leaves and some plants are losing leaves. This is a clay soil; can you give me any info. on how to solve this problem?
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Burneyville , OK
Opinion of 5 best native garden plants in Oklahoma from Burneyville OK
What would you say are the 3 to 5 BEST native garden plants for south central Oklahoma?
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Atoka, OK
Smarty Plants on Pittosporum
Need to know if "PITTOSPORUM" (TOBIRA VARIEGATA) will grow in my area of SE OK. I have purchased two of them and the nursery said that they would do great. Just needed an extra opinion. Than...
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Wewoka, OK
Is conium maculatum safe for cataracts from Wewoka OK
My doctor has prescribed conium maculatum for my cataract problems. Is this safe to use in the eyes?
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Norman, OK
Groundcover Suggestion for OK
I need your suggestion for a groundcover for a flower bed in the sun and in the shade in Oklahoma.
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Norman, OK
Is Liatris spicata through blooming from Norman OK
We have a Liatris spicata, I thought it was done blooming (dried tops), so I cut them off. Will it come back and bloom again? What can I do?
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Norman, OK
Project involving wildflower seeds for Earth Day
Hello, I am trying to find a relatively quick and easy project involving wildflower seeds for an Earth Day Celebration. We have roughly 1,000 kids come through. In the past I have done wildflower se...
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Norman, OK
Plant identification in Norman, OK
I have two large plants in my back yard that just sprang up on their own this year. They are beautiful and the butterflies and bees love them. I think they are a type of milkweed, but they don't lo...
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Denison, TX
Shade trees with a tap root
I need a list of shade trees with a tap root system. I would also like the tree to grow at a medium to fast rate. I will be planting near a concrete wall and do not want the roots to do any damage to ...
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Denison, TX
Native turf grass for Denison TX
I have researched many grasses for sandy soil in Denison,Tx that are easy mantainance. Habiturf has been recommended but is mostly Buffalo grass and is not recommended for sandy soil. What other opt...
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Denison, TX
Native turf grass for acreage in Denison TX
I have recently moved to Denison TX where we have 5+ acres of true crosstimbers land. I am looking for a native turf grass that will do well in sandy soil and with the water provided by nature. The m...
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Shawnee, OK
Is it possible to eat one nightshade berry and live?
Can I eat one nightshade berry and live? I am 18.
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Shawnee, OK
Identification of bush/vine with purple berries
I was clearing fence line and came across this plant it looks like a Bush but underneath grows like a vine it has long broad leaves that reminded me of Polk salad but it grows berry clusters the berri...
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Stuart, OK
Low growing annuals for OK shaded slope.
I have a heavily shaded slope on the north, west, and south side of my home. Can you suggest some low growing annuals (flowering, or not) that would allow me to beautify my property.
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Comanche, OK
Wildflowers for a large backyard in Oklahoma
I have a large back yard in full sun. What native flowers should I plant here?
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Comanche, OK
Plant called cow shade or cow weed that is poisonous
There is a plant called cow shade or cow weed, not exactly sure. It kills whitetail deer. I would like to know the name of the plant and the specifics. If you could help me it would be greatly appreci...
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Blanchard, OK
Plants to stop erosion on creek side
I need plants for a westside slope to a creek that will help with erosion, need fast growing and likes lots of sun. Thank you, Mr. Smarty Plants
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Gainesville, TX
Problems with Shumard Oaks and Crepe Myrtle in Cooke Co. TX
I have a Shumard Oak Tree that has been in the ground approx. ten years. It has done great, even passing up some of my older Shumards. In August it began to lose its leaves at an alarming rate. They a...
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