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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers Nan Hampton, Jimmy Mills and Barbara Medford to be the culpable and capable parties. Yet, others think staff members Damon Waitt, Joe Marcus and Philip Hawkins might play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Ask Mr. Smarty Plants is a free service provided by the staff and volunteers at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Questions From Near You

St. Matthews, SC
Invasive vines in azaleas in South Carolina
I have saw briars and wild jasmine, and cow itch vine that has invaded my azaleas, and would like your input on how to get rid of them without completely destroying my azaleas. Thanks
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Columbia, SC
Climbing vines that are deer resistant
Please find plants that are climbing vines and are deer resistant
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Columbia, SC
Erosion control on slope from Columbia SC
We are in the process of having a new home built in Columbia South Carolina. Part of the front yard has a steep slope starting approximately four feet from the corner of the house and running to the ...
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Columbia, SC
Toxicity of leaves and berries of lantana
Hi Mr. Smarty Plants!!! I live in Columbia, SC and have fallen in love with the Lantana or Lanta plants. I have a lot of them because of their rapid growth. My question is -- in addition to all t...
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West Columbia, , SC
Ways to eliminate non-native bermuda grass from West Columbia SC
Could you kill bermuda grass by heavy over-fertilizing it? Or black, solid plastic cloth? Thanks
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Lexington, SC
Possibility of growing Buckleys yucca in South Carolina
I live in Lexington, SC. I am wondering if I can grow Buckley's yucca (yucca constricta) here and if so, where can I purchase the seeds or plants? I am from Texas and we are trying to create a "we...
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Manning, SC
Can you root a crossvine?
Can you root a crossvine?
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Blythewood, SC
Space between trees from Blythewood SC
I'm planting 4 green giants in a back corner of my yard. I also have a kumquat tree to plant. I have somewhat limited space. What is the minimum spacing between the four green giants and the green gi...
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Smoaks, SC
Problems with yellow lantana in Smoaks SC
My yellow lantanas are about five years old - big and beautiful, but beginning last year, the blooms are small and part of the tiny petals are brown or black. Can you tell me what I can do about this ...
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Ridgeway, SC
White specks on unknown houseplant from Ridgeway SC
I have an unknown houseplant that seems to have some sort of pest or disease on it. It has white snowy specks atop its leaf. I bought this purple fuzzy leafed houseplant from Walmart in Winnsboro, SC ...
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Ridgeway, SC
Need a pretty ground cover to control erosion in Rigdeway, SC.
What is a fast, pretty ground cover blanket to control erosion on steep hill. gets full sun.
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Leesville, SC
Non-poisonous trees to shade horse pasture in Leesville SC
Please list NON-poisonous trees for horses in South Carolina. I would live to plant a few trees along the fence of my horse pasture and in my horse pasture for shade.
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Aiken, SC
Plants to stabilize a steep bank in South Carolina
I would like to use native plantings to stabilize a steep bank. The bank is on the side of the gravel road I cut back into the woods and around a 36" pipe going under the road to allow the free flow ...
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Prosperity, SC
Privacy screening from Prosperity SC
I need to know what would be a good tree to plant for blocking my neighbor's home it needs to be an evergreen and slender in the space it would take.
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Monckscorner, SC
Identification of shrub in South Carolina
First, I'm in Iraq but trying to write a book and have a question on a plant that grows in South Carolina. All I can do is describe it. The bush is normally green but turns red, has large leaves, kin...
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Johnston, SC
Native evergreen trees or shrubs for privacy screen in South Carolina
Mr. Smarty Plants, we recently lost a grove of eleven 30+ year old white pine trees in a storm this month. They provided a natural 42'x30' screen to the front of our property and home. What type o...
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Johnston, SC
Native evergreen trees or shrubs for privacy screen in South Carolina
RE: Wednesday - April 02, 2008 From: Johnston, SC Region: Southeast Topic: Native Trees Title: Native evergreen trees or shrubs for privacy screen in South Carolina Author: Barbara Medford Qu...
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Saluda, SC
Source for dotted blue-eyed grass from Saluda SC
I lived in Texas for several years and now live on acreage in South Carolina. I have heard that bluebonnets don't grow well in South Carolina. However, there is a place by the road near our house t...
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Newberry, SC
More on bluebonnets
We live on a farm and have recently had a cow that was deathly sick, then finally got better. We also had a couple of calving problems with the cows. I was reading about how toxic tailcup lupine is to...
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edgefield, SC
Fast growing, possibly invasive trees for South Carolina
What fast growing trees would you suggest for South Carolina? We are heavy clay and the pecan trees we planted don't see to be too happy here. We are looking at the yellow poplar and the empress tre...
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Goose Creek, SC
Is the mimosa tree poisonous?
Is the mimosa tree poisonous ? If you burn the trimmed limbs is the smoke noxious ?
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