Wildflower Center Herbarium
The Wildflower Center's herbarium is a collection of preserved plant specimens from seed collecting expeditions, research projects and representative from the Wildflower Center's grounds.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Bahia pedata | Bluntscale Bahia | |
Baptisia sphaerocarpa | Yellow Wild Indigo Green Wild Indigo Bush Pea Yellow Wisteria | |
Berlandiera betonicifolia | Texas Greeneyes Broochflower | |
Berlandiera lyrata | Chocolate Daisy Chocolate Flower Lyreleaf Greeneyes Green-eyed Lyre Leaf | |
Berlandiera pumila | Soft Greeneyes | |
Berchemia scandens | Alabama Supplejack Alabama Supple-jack Rattan-vine | |
Bidens alba | Common Beggarticks Shepherd's Needles Spanish Needles Butterfly Needles Hairy Beggarticks Romerillo | |
Bifora americana | Prairie Bishop Prairie Bishop's Weed | |
Bidens aristosa | Bearded Beggarticks Tickseed Sunflower | |
Bidens bigelovii | Bigelow's Beggarticks | |
Bothriochloa alta | Tall Beardgrass | |
Bothriochloa barbinodis | Pinhole Bluestem Cane Bluestem Cane Beardgrass Feather Bluestem Plains Beardgrass | |
Bouteloua curtipendula | Sideoats Grama Banderilla Banderita Navajita | |
Bouteloua dactyloides | Buffalograss Buffalo Grass | |
Bouchetia erecta | Erect Bouchetia Painted-tongue Paintedtongue Painted Tongue | |
Bouteloua gracilis | Blue Grama | |
Bouteloua hirsuta | Hairy Grama | |
Bouteloua hirsuta var. pectinata | Tall Grama Hairy Grama | |
Bothriochloa laguroides | Silver Bluestem Silver Beardgrass | |
Bothriochloa laguroides ssp. torreyana | Silver Bluestem Silver Beardgrass Silver Beard Grass | |
Bothriochloa longipaniculata | Longspike Beardgrass Longspike Silver Bluestem | |
Bouteloua rigidiseta | Texas Grama | |
Bouteloua trifida | Red Grama | |
Brickellia cylindracea | Gravel-bar Brickellbush | |
Brickellia dentata | Leafy Brickellbush | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |