Special Collections
East Central Texas Plains
This EPA Level III ecoregion encompasses all or part of 56 Texas counties. This ecoregion separates the two bands of the Texas Blackland Prairies ecoregion and extends just across the Oklahoma border. In Texas, it covers approximately the same land area as the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department’s Post Oak Savannah vegetative region. This collection lists only those taxa found in the Texas portion of the East Central Texas Plains ecoregion.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Burmannia capitata | Southern Bluethread | |
Bulbostylis ciliatifolia | Capillary Hairsedge | |
Buddleja racemosa | Wand Butterflybush Wand Butterfly-bush | |
Buddleja racemosa ssp. racemosa | Wand Butterflybush | |
Callirhoe alcaeoides | Light Poppymallow Plains Poppy-mallow Light Poppy-mallow Pink Poppy-mallow Light Poppy Mallow | |
Carex albicans | Whitetinge Sedge | |
Carex albolutescens | Greenwhite Sedge | |
Callicarpa americana | American Beautyberry French Mulberry | |
Carex amphibola | Eastern Narrowleaf Sedge Creek Sedge | |
Capsicum annuum | Chile Tepin Chile Pequin Chiltepin Chile Petin Bird Pepper Turkey Pepper Cayenne Pepper | |
Carex annectens | Yellowfruit Sedge | |
Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum | Chile Pequin Chile Tepin Bird Pepper Turkey Pepper Cayenne Pepper | |
Carya aquatica | Water Hickory Bitter Water Hickory Bitter Hickory Swamp Hickory Water Pignut Hickory Water Pignut Bitter Pecan | |
Carex atlantica | Prickly Bog Sedge | |
Carex austrina | Southern Sedge | |
Carex basiantha | Willdenow's Sedge Basal-fruit Caric Sedge Widow Caric Sedge | |
Calylophus berlandieri | Berlandier's Sundrops Square-bud Primrose Sundrops | |
Calylophus berlandieri ssp. berlandieri | Berlandier's Sundrops Drummond Sundrops Square-bud Primrose | |
Calylophus berlandieri ssp. pinifolius | Berlandier's Sundrops Square-bud Primrose Sundrops Square-bud Day-primrose | |
Carex bicknellii | Bicknell's Sedge Prairie Sedge | |
Catalpa bignonioides | Southern Catalpa Cigar Tree Indian Bean | |
Carex blanda | Eastern Woodland Sedge Creek Sedge Common Wood Sedge | |
Carex brevior | Shortbeak Sedge | |
Cardamine bulbosa | Bulbous Bittercress Spring Cress | |
Carex bulbostylis | False Hair Sedge | |
Carex bushii | Bush's Sedge | |
Cabomba caroliniana | Carolina Fanwort Green Cabomba Fish-grass Washington-grass Carolina Watershield Washington-plant | |
Carex caroliniana | Carolina Sedge Carolina Caric Sedge | |
Carpinus caroliniana | American Hornbeam Blue Beech Water Beech Musclewood Ironwood | |
Carex cephalophora | Oval-leaf Sedge | |
Carex cherokeensis | Cherokee Sedge | |
Calliandra conferta | Rio Grande Stickpea Fairy Duster | |
Carya cordiformis | Bitternut Hickory Swamp Hickory Bitternut Pig Hickory Pignut Hickory Pignut White Hickory Red Hickory Bitter Walnut Bitter Pecan | |
Carex corrugata | Prune-fruit Sedge | |
Carex comosa | Longhair Sedge | |
Carex complanata | Hirsute Sedge | |
Carex crinita | Fringed Sedge | |
Carex crus-corvi | Ravenfoot Sedge | |
Carex debilis | White Edge Sedge | |
Carex digitalis | Slender Woodland Sedge | |
Carex edwardsiana | Edwards Plateau Sedge | |
Carex emoryi | Emory's Sedge Emory Sedge | |
Castela erecta | Goatbush | |
Castela erecta ssp. texana | Texan Goatbush Goat-bush Allthorn Goatbush Amargoso | |
Carex festucacea | Fescue Sedge | |
Carex flaccosperma | Thinfruit Sedge | |
Carex frankii | Frank's Sedge | |
Carex glaucescens | Southern Waxy Sedge | |
Carex glaucodea | Blue Sedge Blue Wood Sedge | |
Carya glabra | Pignut Hickory Sweet Pignut Hickory Coast Pignut Hickory Pignut Sweet Pignut Smoothbark Hickory Broom Hickory Red Hickory Swamp Hickory Switch Hickory Switchbud Hickory | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |