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Supports Conservation Biological Control
A plant that attracts predatory or parasitoid insects that prey upon pest insects. This information was provided by the Pollinator Program at The Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Pycnanthemum torrei | Torrey's Mountainmint | |
Pycnanthemum virginianum | Virginia Mountain Mint | |
Ranunculus fascicularis | Early Buttercup Tufted Buttercup Prairie Buttercup | |
Rhus aromatica | Fragrant Sumac Aromatic Sumac Lemon Sumac Polecat Bush | |
Rhus aromatica var. serotina | Fragrant Sumac | |
Rhus copallinum | Winged Sumac Shining Sumac Flameleaf Sumac Mountain Sumac Dwarf Sumac Wing-rib Sumac Black Sumac Upland Sumac | |
Rhus glabra | Smooth Sumac | |
Rhamnus lanceolata | Lanceleaf Buckthorn Lance-leaf Buckthorn | |
Rhus trilobata var. pilosissima | Downy Fragrant Sumac Downy Aromatic Sumac Pubescent Skunkbush Sumac | |
Rhus typhina | Staghorn Sumac Velvet Sumac | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |