Special Collections
Wetland Plants for Central Texas
Central Texas native plants that work well in riparian and other wetland areas.Printer Friendly: Species List | List with Images | List with QR Tags to Mobile
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Amorpha fruticosa | Indigo Bush False Indigo Bush False Indigo Desert False Indigo | |
Andropogon glomeratus | Bushy Bluestem Brushy Bluestem | |
Arisaema dracontium | Green Dragon Dragonroot Greendragon | |
Carex blanda | Eastern Woodland Sedge Creek Sedge Common Wood Sedge | |
Cephalanthus occidentalis | Common Buttonbush Buttonbush Button Willow Honey Bells Honeybells Honey Balls Honeyballs Button-bush | |
Chasmanthium latifolium | Inland Sea Oats Indian Wood Oats Wild Oats River Oats Flathead Oats Upland Oats Upland Sea Oats | |
Conoclinium coelestinum | Blue Mistflower Wild Ageratum Blue Boneset | |
Cyperus retroflexus | Oneflower Flatsedge | |
Equisetum hyemale var. affine | Scouring-rush Horsetail | |
Equisetum laevigatum | Smooth Horsetail Horsetail | |
Erythrina herbacea | Coralbean Cherokee Bean Red Cardinal | |
Fraxinus pennsylvanica | Green Ash Red Ash Swamp Ash River Ash Water Ash Darlington Ash | |
Hibiscus moscheutos | Crimson-eyed Rose-mallow Marshmallow Hibiscus | |
Iris brevicaulis | Zigzag Iris | |
Iris virginica | Virginia Iris Great Blue Flag Southern Blue Flag | |
Kosteletzkya virginica | Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow Virginia Fen-rose Saltmarsh Mallow Seashore Mallow | |
Lobelia cardinalis | Cardinal Flower | |
Ludwigia peploides | Floating Primrose-willow Water-primrose Creeping Water-primrose | |
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Turk's Cap Drummond's Turk's Cap Drummond Turk's Cap Wax Mallow Drummond's Wax Mallow Drummond Wax Mallow Red Mallow Texas Mallow Mexican Apple Sleeping Hibiscus Bleeding Hearts Manzanita | |
Marsilea macropoda | Bigfoot Water-clover Water-clover Clover-fern Largefoot Pepperwort | |
Maclura pomifera | Osage Orange Bois d' Arc Bodark Horse Apple Hedge Apple Bowwood Yellowwood Naranjo Chino Monkey Brains | |
Morus rubra | Red Mulberry Moral | |
Muhlenbergia schreberi | Nimblewill | |
Nymphaea odorata | American White Water-lily Fragrant White Water-lily Fragrant Water-lily White Water-lily Sweet-scented White Water-lily Sweet-scented Water-lily Beaver Root | |
Physostegia intermedia | Spring Obedient Plant Marsh Obedient Plant Slender False Dragonhead Intermediate False Dragonhead | |
Phyla nodiflora | Texas Frogfruit Turkey Tangle Fogfruit Frogfruit | |
Platanus occidentalis | American Sycamore Eastern Sycamore American Plane Tree Plane Tree Buttonwood Buttonball Tree | |
Populus deltoides ssp. deltoides | Eastern Cottonwood Southern Cottonwood Carolina Poplar Eastern Poplar Necklace Poplar Alamo | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Pteridium aquilinum | Western Bracken Fern Bracken Fern Western Bracken Bracken | |
Ptelea trifoliata | Wafer Ash Common Hoptree Hop Tree | |
Quercus macrocarpa | Bur Oak Burr Oak Savanna Oak Overcup Oak Prairie Oak Mossy-cup Oak Mossy-overcup Oak Blue Oak | |
Rhus aromatica | Fragrant Sumac Aromatic Sumac Lemon Sumac Polecat Bush | |
Sagittaria lancifolia | Lanceleaf Arrowhead Duck-potato Bulltongue Arrowhead Bull-tongue Arrowhead | |
Sabal minor | Dwarf Palmetto Bush Palmetto Palmetto | |
Sambucus nigra ssp. canadensis | Common Elderberry Black Elder Mexican Elderberry Common Elder Elderberry Tapiro Sauco | |
Schoenoplectus californicus | California Bulrush California Club-rush Giant Bulrush | |
Taxodium distichum | Bald Cypress Baldcypress Common Bald Cypress Southern Bald Cypress Deciduous Cypress Southern Cypress Swamp Cypress Red Cypress White Cypress Yellow Cypress Gulf Cypress Tidewater Red Cypress | |
Tilia americana var. caroliniana | Carolina Basswood Florida Basswood Small-leaved Basswood Downy Basswood Carolina Linden Florida Linden Small-leaved Linden Downy Linden | |
Ulmus crassifolia | Cedar Elm Fall Elm Basket Elm Scrub Elm Lime Elm Texas Elm Southern Rock Elm Olmo | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |