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NPIN: Suppliers - Olthia

National Suppliers Directory

This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Use the search options below to find help for your native plant needs or click here to add your business to the directory. Associates are providers of native plant services who offer Wildflower Center members a discount on merchandise or services. To qualify, at least 50% of an Associate's projects or inventory must use native plants.

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PO Box 75381
Oklahoma City, OK 73147
Google Map

Region: Southwest

Phone: 4053055478


Goods & Services
Seed Company
Landscape Professional
Environmental Consultant

Year Established: 2011

Native Plant Experience

Percent of projects or inventory using native plants: 100%
Consult on native plant projects
Track provenance (origin) of native plant materials

Associate Program

Belong to Wildflower Center Associate Program

Discount to WFC Members: 10% off Design services

Description: I'M JAMIE CSIZMADIA. Olthia is my garden design business - I design indigenous landscapes and sustainable, custom spaces for discerning folks. What I really dig are the places where people and nature, get all mixed up in each others “business.” Like when a wild, untamed Oklahoma sunset – settles over the pretty little yards of a pocket neighborhood. Or when a concrete walking path finds itself curving into an unexpected city garden. When an outdoor gathering space can feel modern and bright, but still captivate and calm us with nostalgic little surprises – THAT'S MY PASSION. I SPECIALIZE IN NATIVE OKLAHOMA PLANTS. It’s a “new prairie” approach where plants native to this land meet the world outside your back door (especially that small, stubborn piece of it that you just can’t figure out what to do with.) And to be honest, at the end of that day, if the outdoor spaces we’ve carved out aren’t people spaces, too – then they’ve only met half their purpose.

Credentials: Registered landscape Architect, LEED Accredited Professional

Landscape specialization

Large Corporate Grounds
Parkland/Open Space
Nature Centers and Preserves
Roadside Revegetation/Soil Stabilization
Industrial Projects

Landscape services

Garden design
Contract growing
Landscape architect
Site analysis
Land use
Maintenance plans

Consultant specialization

All Habitats

Consultant services

Species Inventory
Site Assessments
Survey Natural Areas
Post Vegetation
Land Use

Last Update: 2013-04-06
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