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The Importance of Genetics

There are concerns about introducing species into a region where they were not previously growing. If you are not familiar with these concerns, please read the Importance of Genetics.

Selecting a Suitable Supplier

It is important that anyone contacting suppliers in this directory understand that it is their own responsibility to ensure that they are getting a reliable and quality product. For help choosing a supplier, please read Selecting a Suitable Supplier.

Seed Definitions

It is helpful to become familiar with seed terms when ordering seed to assist you in making informed decisions. Please review seed terms by visiting the page on Seed Definitions.

National Suppliers Directory

This directory has been compiled to make it easier to find businesses that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Use the search options below to find help for your native plant needs or click here to add your business to the directory. Associates are providers of native plant services who offer Wildflower Center members a discount on merchandise or services. To qualify, at least 50% of an Associate's projects or inventory must use native plants.

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Based on your location search, these Suppliers are closest from nearest to farthest.


NameLocation% NativeAssociate
Cavicchio NurseriesSudbury, MA25  
New England Wild Flower SocietyFramingham, MA75  
Blanchette GardensCarlisle, MA  
Laughton NurseryN. Chelmsford, MA25  
Underwood Shade Nursery North Attleboro, MA   
Blue Stem Natives LLCNorwell, MA100  
Good Earth Organic Gardening CenterCranston, RI  
Confreda Greenhouses & FarmsHope, RI  
Van Berkum NurseryDeerfield, NH  
Pan's Acres Nursery, LLCCanterbury, CT100 Yes 
New England Wetland Plants, Inc.Amherst, MA100  
Sudbury Nurseries West, LLC.Gill, MA100  
Garrison Hill Florists, Inc.Dover, NH  
ELFS Landscaping Inc.Rochester, NH50  
New England Wildflower Society Native Nurseries, Nasami Farm Whately, MA   
N.H. State Forest NurseryBoscawen, NH50  
Blue Moon FarmWakefield, RI75 Yes 
Hillside Nursery Shelburne Falls, MA50  
Lyons Family NurseryNewbury, NH  
New Hampshire State Forest Nursery Boscawen, NH75  
Prides Corner FarmsLebanon, CT25  
Tripple Brook FarmSouthampton, MA50  
Wing and a Prayer Pollinator Plant NurseryCummington, MA75  
Native Haunts Alfred, ME 100  
Donaroma's NurseryEdgartown, MA 50  
Millane NurseriesCromwell, CT