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Soil pathogenic fungi have the potential to affect the co-existence of two tallgrass prairie species

Author(s): J. C. Holah and H. M. Alexander

Month: Aug
Year: 1999

Journal: Journal of Ecology
Volume: 87
Issue: 4
Pages: 598-608

Article Topic(s): Fungi,Pathology,Competition
Research Setting(s): Tallgrass prairie

Species Referenced: Andropogon gerardii (Big bluestem),


Researches the effects of soil fungi on the coexistence of Andropogon gerardii and Chamaecrista fasciculata. When species were grown in their own soils, there was no evidence of negative feedback. However, when A. gerardii was grown in C. fasciculata, fungi associated with C. fasciculata were detrimental to the growth of A. gerardii. Mycorrhizae did not ameliorate these effects.

Suggested Citation

J. C. Holah and H. M. Alexander. "Soil pathogenic fungi have the potential to affect the co-existence of two tallgrass prairie species." Journal of Ecology 87.4 (1999): 598-608.

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