Native Plants
Digital Herbaria
Solanum triquetrum
Solanum triquetrum Cav.
Texas Nightshade, Hierba Mora
Solanaceae (Potato Family)
USDA Symbol: SOTR2USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
Specimen & Label Data
Solanum triguetrum
Texas Nightshade
Location: 100 m E of Tennis Courts next to swimming pool--Oakwell Farms, San AntonioLatitude: 0.000000
Habitat: Edge of understory of Celtis and Ulmus.
Description: Scandent shrub, much branched, clamoring overall. Leaves alternate, deltoid to 3-lobed hastate, short petioled, to 3+ cm long. Cymes few-flowered (about 3). Berry globose, red, succulent, to 1 cm dia.
County: Bexar
Collector: Harry Cliffe
Collection Date: May 4, 1994
Specimen number: 584
Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0871
Accession Date: Aug 23, 1994
Accession Number: 66
Annotations: SXFXB (In fruit)