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Justicia pilosella

Justicia pilosella (Nees) Hilsenb.

Hairy Tube-tongue, Gregg's Tube-tongue, False Honeysuckle

Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family)

USDA Symbol: JUPI5
USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

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Specimen & Label Data

Siphonoglossa pilosella

Hairy Tube-Tongue


Location: W R.O.W. of Ira Lee Rd. & 40 m S of Laurens Lane, San Antonio.
Latitude: 0.000000

Habitat: Sunny, level, alkaline, alluvial soil; nominal moisture. Among various Poaceae. Large colong.

Description: Low herb w/ascending branches from suffrutescent base, to 20 cm tall. Leaves nearly sessil, ovate, 1+ x 2+ cm, ovate, 3-parted, about 3 x 8 mm wide/long.

County: Bexar
Collector: Harry Cliffe
Collection Date: Apr 29, 1994
Specimen number: 568

Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0852
Accession Date: Jul 26, 1994
Accession Number: 63

Annotations: SCFRB (In flower)

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