Native Plants
Digital Herbaria
Desmodium paniculatum
Desmodium paniculatum (L.) DC.
Panicledleaf Ticktrefoil, Panicled Tick Trefoil, Velcro Vine
Fabaceae (Pea Family)
USDA Symbol: DEPA6USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)
Specimen & Label Data
Desmodium paniculatum
Panicled Tickclover
Location: Medina River Ranch, Gate 10, 200 m south of Knox Miller house.Latitude: 0.000000
Habitat: Dry limestone soil in edge of clearing. Among Poaceae and low shrubs.
Description: Erect, multi-stemmed perennial, unbranched, to 60 cm tall. Stalks slender, sub-angulate, lineate, pilose. Stipules lance-attenuate, 1-3 mm long. Petioles angulate, pilose on margins of groove, to 4 cm long. Rachis similar to 16 mm. Leaves mostly alternate, trifoliate. Leaflets lance-ovate, acute at apex, rounded basally, pilose both sides. Terminal leaflet 25x78 mm (3+ x width); laterals slightly smaller. Infloresence axillary.
County: Medina
Collector: Harry Cliffe
Collection Date: Jun 6, 1992
Specimen number: 447
Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0656
Accession Date: Feb 22, 1994
Accession Number: 48
Annotations: SXXXM