Native Plants
Digital Herbaria
Calyptocarpus vialis
Calyptocarpus vialis Less.
Horseherb, Straggler Daisy, Hierba Del Caballo, Lawnflower
Asteraceae (Aster Family)
USDA Symbol: CAVI2USDA Native Status: L48 (N), HI (I)
Specimen & Label Data
Calyptocarpus vialis
Straggler Daisy
Location: North side of Canyon Lake at 800 Military Drive, Canyon Lake Island.Latitude: 0.000000
Habitat: Plentiful on dry hillsides in shade.
Description: Sprawling perennial with stems 20-60 cm long. Solitary flower heads are yellow rayed and 6 mm dia. Fruit a flattened achene with two pappus awns.
County: Comal
Collector: Mary Beth White
Collection Date: May 17, 1993
Specimen number: 134
Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0390
Accession Date: Jun 25, 1993
Accession Number: 31
Annotations: SCFXC