Native Plants
Digital Herbaria
Verbesina virginica
Verbesina virginica L.
Frostweed, White Crownbeard, Iceplant, Iceweed, Virginia Crownbeard, Indian Tobacco, Richweed, Squawweed
Asteraceae (Aster Family)
USDA Symbol: VEVI3USDA Native Status: L48 (N)
Specimen & Label Data
Verbesina virginica
Frostweed, Tickweed, Wild tobaco, White Crownbeard
Location: E side of Silicon Drive at Cookley Lane.Latitude: 0.000000
Habitat: In semi-shade of Quercus virginiana. Rich soil.
Description: Tall perennial coarse plant w/large leaves. Flowers 1/2" dia, white in flat-topped clusters, terminal. Stems winged. Abundant. Fragrant.
County: Bexar
Collector: Lottie Millsaps
Collection Date: Sept. 17, 1991
Specimen number: 123
Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0133
Accession Date: Dec. 16, 19991
Accession Number: 12
Annotations: SCXXB