Native Plants
Digital Herbaria
Stenaria nigricans var. nigricans
Stenaria nigricans (Lam.) Terrell var. nigricans
Diamondflowers, Narrowleaf Bluets, Baby's Breath, Bluets, Fine-leaf Bluets
Rubiaceae (Madder Family)
USDA Symbol: STNINUSDA Native Status: L48 (N)
Specimen & Label Data
Hedyotis nigricans
Baby's Breath, Bluets, Innocence
Location: 5596 Hollyhock Rd., San Antonio, N fence area.Latitude: 0.000000
Habitat: Full sun. With grasses, in dry loamy soil.
Description: Delicate, much branched, low plant to 12". Pale pink 3/8" 4 petaled flowers. Stems square. Leaves linear. Abundant. Perennial.
County: Bexar
Collector: Lottie Millsaps
Collection Date: May 30, 1991
Specimen number: 98
Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0110
Accession Date: Dec. 8, 1991
Accession Number: 12
Annotations: SCFXB