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Digital Herbaria

Artemisia ludoviciana

Artemisia ludoviciana Nutt.

Louisiana Artemisia, Louisiana Sage, White Sage, Prairie Sage, Silver Sage, White Sagebrush, Louisiana Wormwood, Silver Wormwood, Louisiana Sagewort, Gray Sagewort, Cudweed Sagewort, Mugwort Wormwood

Asteraceae (Aster Family)

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)

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Specimen & Label Data

Artemesia ludoviciana

Louisiana sagewort, Estafiate, Mexican Sagewort


Location: S. end of Silicon Dr., E. side of road, 50' N of Format Drive.
Latitude: 0.000000

Habitat: Semi-shade, near Live Oaks. Deep, rich, gravelly soil. South exposure. Semi-dry site.

Description: Gray-green aromatic foliage; flowers same, insignificant, in spikes to 2" tall. Perennial. 12 - 14" tall. Rhizomaceous. Abundant.

County: Bexar
Collector: Lottie Millsaps
Collection Date: Nov. 10, 1990
Specimen number: 71

Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0104
Accession Date: Dec. 8 ,1991
Accession Number: 9

Annotations: SCFXB

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