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Nama jamaicense

Nama jamaicense L.

Jamaicanweed, Jamaican Weed, Fiddleleaf Nama

Hydrophyllaceae (Waterleaf Family)

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), PR (N), VI (N)

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Specimen & Label Data

Nama jamaicense

Fiddle-Leaf Nama


Location: Rear garden & lawn, 3338 Yorktown St, San Antonio.
Latitude: 0.000000

Habitat: Disturbed, rocky, alkaline soil. Half-day sun, nominal moisture.

Description: Sprawling annual, much branched from base; square stems (2 x 2 mm), fleshy, to 30 cm long. Roots fiberous. Leaves puberulent, medium-green, obovate, rounded at apex, cuneate basally, sessile, to 25 x 65 mm, sides oblique. Infloresence not present. Sepals-5, adnate to capsule. Capsule cylindrical. Seed many, medium-brown, ellipsoid, very small.

County: Bexar
Collector: Eric Lautzenheiser
Collection Date: Nov 9, 1994
Specimen number: 1

Herbarium Owner: NPSOT
Herbarium ID: 0960
Accession Date: Nov 9, 1994
Accession Number: 75

Annotations: SXFRB (In fruit)

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