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Glossary of commonly used botanical terms and their definitions. Use the search bar below to look up a botanical term.

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15 Random Botanical Terms

Lobed flower - A tubular or funnel shaped flower that opens into petal like lobes.

Hermaphroditic - Having the properties of a hermaphrodite, with both male and female structures located within the same flower.

Dioecious - With male and female reproductive structures on separate plants.

FACU* - Facultative Upland - Nonhydrophyte. Usually occurs in non-wetlands, but may occur in wetlands. Occurs only in the South Pacific Islands subregion.

Orbicular - Circular or nearly so.

Disc flowers - The inner tubular flowers on the heads of Asteraceae (Sunflower Family).

Umbel - A rounded or flat topped cluster of flowers on stems that radiate from the tip of the main stem. A compound umbel has smaller umbels at the ends of the radiating stems.

Complete flower - A flower with sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil present.

Parallel - A leaf whose veins run in parallel from the stem.

Supports Conservation Biological Control - A plant that attracts predatory or parasitoid insects that prey upon pest insects.

Pistillate flower - A flower with pistils, but no stamens.

Acorn - A usually one-seeded (occasionally two-seeded) nut enclosed in a hard, leathery shell and subtended by a scaly cup. The fruit of any species in the genera, Quercus or Lithocarpus.

Glabrous - Smooth; hairless.

Lenticel - A corky pore in young bark.

Emarginate - Having a shallow notch at the tip.