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Image Gallery

Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,847 plant images. We have listened to our users and made it even easier to find images in this updated version of the image gallery. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


Dyschoriste linearis

Dyschoriste linearis (Torr. & A. Gray) Kuntze

Snake Herb, Polkadots, Narrowleaf Dyschoriste

Acanthaceae (Acanthus Family)


USDA Native Status: L48 (N)

NPIN Image Id: 2299
NPIN Image Id: 14147
NPIN Image Id: 30011
NPIN Image Id: 38813
NPIN Image Id: 68328
NPIN Image Id: 68330
NPIN Image Id: 68331
NPIN Image Id: 68336
NPIN Image Id: 2297
NPIN Image Id: 2298
NPIN Image Id: 2300
NPIN Image Id: 2301
NPIN Image Id: 10302
NPIN Image Id: 14144
NPIN Image Id: 14145
NPIN Image Id: 14146
NPIN Image Id: 14990
NPIN Image Id: 16259
NPIN Image Id: 22250
NPIN Image Id: 25919
NPIN Image Id: 26475
NPIN Image Id: 26476
NPIN Image Id: 26477
NPIN Image Id: 26478
NPIN Image Id: 26479
NPIN Image Id: 39582
NPIN Image Id: 39583
NPIN Image Id: 39584
NPIN Image Id: 68327
NPIN Image Id: 68329
NPIN Image Id: 68332
NPIN Image Id: 68333
NPIN Image Id: 68334
NPIN Image Id: 68335
NPIN Image Id: 68337

Additional resources

USDA: Find Dyschoriste linearis images in USDA Plants
Google: Search Google Images for Dyschoriste linearis