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Image Gallery

Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,848 plant images. We have listened to our users and made it even easier to find images in this updated version of the image gallery. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


Chimaphila maculata

Chimaphila maculata (L.) Pursh

Striped Prince's Pine, Spotted Wintergreen, Pipsissewa, Spotted Pipsissewa, Ratsbane, Rheumatism Root, Striped Wintergreen

Pyrolaceae (Shinleaf Family)

USDA Symbol: CHMA3

USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)

NPIN Image Id: 3845
NPIN Image Id: 18872
NPIN Image Id: 26256
NPIN Image Id: 49018
NPIN Image Id: 49030
NPIN Image Id: 49031
NPIN Image Id: 49055
NPIN Image Id: 49056
NPIN Image Id: 58633
NPIN Image Id: 61367
NPIN Image Id: 61368
NPIN Image Id: 83617
NPIN Image Id: 87959
NPIN Image Id: 87964
NPIN Image Id: 87965
NPIN Image Id: 87968
NPIN Image Id: 3844
NPIN Image Id: 6042
NPIN Image Id: 49022
NPIN Image Id: 49029
NPIN Image Id: 58631
NPIN Image Id: 58632
NPIN Image Id: 58634
NPIN Image Id: 67003

Additional resources

USDA: Find Chimaphila maculata images in USDA Plants
Google: Search Google Images for Chimaphila maculata