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Image Gallery

Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 82,847 plant images. We have listened to our users and made it even easier to find images in this updated version of the image gallery. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


Asclepias speciosa

Asclepias speciosa Torr.

Showy Milkweed

Asclepiadaceae (Milkweed Family)


USDA Native Status: L48 (N), CAN (N)

NPIN Image Id: 2870
NPIN Image Id: 2872
NPIN Image Id: 2873
NPIN Image Id: 20043
NPIN Image Id: 20046
NPIN Image Id: 20047
NPIN Image Id: 21432
NPIN Image Id: 21433
NPIN Image Id: 61677
NPIN Image Id: 61681
NPIN Image Id: 19468
NPIN Image Id: 19469
NPIN Image Id: 25733
NPIN Image Id: 26344
NPIN Image Id: 26345
NPIN Image Id: 27849
NPIN Image Id: 27850
NPIN Image Id: 34845
NPIN Image Id: 34846
NPIN Image Id: 34847
NPIN Image Id: 34848
NPIN Image Id: 34930
NPIN Image Id: 34931
NPIN Image Id: 34932
NPIN Image Id: 35250
NPIN Image Id: 35252
NPIN Image Id: 44837
NPIN Image Id: 44838
NPIN Image Id: 48058
NPIN Image Id: 61676
NPIN Image Id: 61678
NPIN Image Id: 61679
NPIN Image Id: 61680
NPIN Image Id: 61682
NPIN Image Id: 61683
NPIN Image Id: 61684
NPIN Image Id: 61685
NPIN Image Id: 63998
NPIN Image Id: 88159

Additional resources

USDA: Find Asclepias speciosa images in USDA Plants
Google: Search Google Images for Asclepias speciosa