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Nugent, Louis R

Louis Nugent has been fascinated by the natural world since his childhood in Louisiana when weekends and summers meant there was time to explore the forests and streams on the family farm near Alexandria. His work as an adult gave him the opportunity to live in ten of the United States and parts of Europe, Asia, and Central America. Each of these places reinforced his love of nature and left him with the sense of how easy it is for man to destroy the fragile balance which exists between the earth, its plants, and its animals.

Now retired, he spends much of his time exploring the western Concho Valley of Texas and documenting its flora and landscapes along the semi-arid edges of the Chihuahuan Desert. It is a dry hard country where the lack of water has led to a surprising variety of species. He hopes his work as a photographer will help others share his enthusiasm for this little traveled area of Texas.

Louis's thoughtful and enlightening blog on various topics including West Texas deserts and drylands can be found at LRNArts and a gallery of his art can be seen at the Fine Art America website.

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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Rhus trilobataSkunkbush
Skunkbush Sumac
Fragrant Sumac
Aromatic Sumac
Scented Sumac
Ill-scented Sumac
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidusThreadleaf Ragwort
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidusThreadleaf Ragwort
Senecio flaccidus var. flaccidusThreadleaf Ragwort
Senna pumilioDwarf Senna
Senna pumilioDwarf Senna
Sophora secundifloraTexas Mountain Laurel
Mountain Laurel
Mescal Bean
Mescal Bean Sophora
Sphaeralcea hastulataSpear Globemallow
Stillingia treculianaTrecul's Toothleaf
Stillingia treculianaTrecul's Toothleaf
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