Native Plants
Image Gallery
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scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex vomitoria | Yaupon Yaupon Holly Cassina | |
Ipomoea cordatotriloba | Tievine Purple Bindweed Morning Glory | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Iris fulva | Copper Iris Red Iris | |
Iris virginica var. shrevei | Shreve's Iris Virginia Iris Southern Blue Flag Blue Flag | |
Iris virginica var. shrevei | Shreve's Iris Virginia Iris Southern Blue Flag Blue Flag | |
Jatropha dioica | Leatherstem Leather Stem Rubber Plant | |
Jatropha dioica | Leatherstem Leather Stem Rubber Plant | |
Jatropha dioica | Leatherstem Leather Stem Rubber Plant | |
Justicia americana | American Water-willow Water-willow | |
Justicia americana | American Water-willow Water-willow | |
Justicia americana | American Water-willow Water-willow | |
Juglans major | Arizona Walnut Arizona Black Walnut River Walnut Mountain Walnut Nogal Silvestre | |
Juglans major | Arizona Walnut Arizona Black Walnut River Walnut Mountain Walnut Nogal Silvestre | |
Lantana urticoides | Texas Lantana Calico Bush | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Leucaena retusa | Goldenball Leadtree Littleleaf Leadtree Little Leucaena Lemonball Wahoo Tree | |
Linum hudsonioides | Texas Flax Yellow Flax Hudson Flax | |
Linum hudsonioides | Texas Flax Yellow Flax Hudson Flax | |
Linum hudsonioides | Texas Flax Yellow Flax Hudson Flax | |
Lithospermum incisum | Fringed Puccoon Golden Puccoon Narrowleaf Puccoon Narrow-leaved Puccoon Puccoon Narrowleaf Gromwell Fringed Gromwell Narrowleaf Stoneseed | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip Tree Tulip Poplar Yellow Poplar | |
Liriodendron tulipifera | Tulip Tree Tulip Poplar Yellow Poplar | |
Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle Trumpet Honeysuckle Woodbine | |
Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle Trumpet Honeysuckle Woodbine | |
Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle Trumpet Honeysuckle Woodbine | |
Ludwigia octovalvis | Mexican Primrose-willow Narrow-leaf Water Primrose Seedbox Mexican Primrose Willow | |
Ludwigia octovalvis | Mexican Primrose-willow Narrow-leaf Water Primrose Seedbox Mexican Primrose Willow | |
Ludwigia octovalvis | Mexican Primrose-willow Narrow-leaf Water Primrose Seedbox Mexican Primrose Willow | |
Ludwigia octovalvis | Mexican Primrose-willow Narrow-leaf Water Primrose Seedbox Mexican Primrose Willow | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Turk's Cap Drummond's Turk's Cap Drummond Turk's Cap Wax Mallow Drummond's Wax Mallow Drummond Wax Mallow Red Mallow Texas Mallow Mexican Apple Sleeping Hibiscus Bleeding Hearts Manzanita | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |