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Image Gallery

Bruce Leander Collection

Toting tripod and a camera bag, Bruce Leander is a familiar site at the Wildflower Center. He got interested in botanical photography in his wife's garden-she is a master gardener and a regular contributor to Texas Gardener magazine. "We loved the Wildflower Center, and I thought perhaps they could use my photography to help communicate what a special place it is and how fortunate we are to have it right here in Austin," Bruce said. "Meanwhile, I'm having a great time and learning a lot about native plants and all the wildlife I see here." The Wildflower Center is grateful for the relationship and contribution of his magnificent fine art photography, which will be used as exhibits as well as enhancing our Native Plant Information Network image database.

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224 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Teucrium cubense var. cubenseSmall Coastal Germander
Teucrium cubense var. cubenseSmall Coastal Germander
Thelypteris kunthiiWood Fern
River Fern
Southern Shield Fern
Kunth's Maiden Fern
Normal Shield Fern
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Tradescantia giganteaGiant Spiderwort
Ulmus crassifoliaCedar Elm
Fall Elm
Basket Elm
Scrub Elm
Lime Elm
Texas Elm
Southern Rock Elm
Ulmus crassifoliaCedar Elm
Fall Elm
Basket Elm
Scrub Elm
Lime Elm
Texas Elm
Southern Rock Elm
Ulmus crassifoliaCedar Elm
Fall Elm
Basket Elm
Scrub Elm
Lime Elm
Texas Elm
Southern Rock Elm
Ungnadia speciosaMexican Buckeye
Ungnadia speciosaMexican Buckeye
Vernonia baldwiniiWestern Ironweed
Baldwin's Ironweed
Vernonia baldwiniiWestern Ironweed
Baldwin's Ironweed
Vernonia baldwiniiWestern Ironweed
Baldwin's Ironweed
Verbesina encelioidesCowpen Daisy
Golden Crownbeard
Butter Daisy
Viguiera stenolobaSkeleton-leaf Goldeneye
Wedelia acapulcensis var. hispidaZexmenia
Orange Zexmenia
Hairy Wedelia
Texas Creeping-oxeye
Wisteria frutescensAmerican Wisteria
Texas Wisteria
Kentucky Wisteria
Yeatesia platystegiaMontell Bractspike
Wild Shrimp Plant
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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224 Results:   10  25 50 100 per page