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Harry T. Cliffe Collection

Harry T. Cliffe of San Antonio documented plant species in Bexar County by spearheading development of the Bexar Regional Herbarium that bears his name (also available on this site), then turned to photographing them. This collection of images focuses on the blossoms of native plants of Texas. The majority of the photographs were taken in south and central Texas. The Native Plant Society of Texas’ San Antonio Chapter provided support to scan the Cliffe collection. Mr. Cliffe is a longtime member of that organization.

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780 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

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Chamaesaracha coronopusGreenleaf Five Eyes
Green False Nightshade
Chaetopappa ericoidesRose Heath
Chamaecrista fasciculataPartridge Pea
Sensitive Plant
Chamaesyce glyptospermaRibseed Sandmat
Rib-seeded Sand Mat
Chamaecrista greggiiGregg's Sensitive Pea
Chilopsis linearisDesert Willow
Flowering Willow
Willow-leaved Catalpa
Willowleaf Catalpa
Bow Willow
Flor De Mimbre
Chrysopsis marianaMaryland Goldenaster
Maryland Golden-aster
Chrysactinia mexicanaDamianita
Chamaesaracha pallidaPale Five Eyes
False Nightshade
Averett Pale Five Eyes
Chamaesyce parryiParry's Sandmat
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780 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page