Native Plants
Image Gallery
Bruce Leander Collection
Toting tripod and a camera bag, Bruce Leander is a familiar site at the Wildflower Center. He got interested in botanical photography in his wife's garden-she is a master gardener and a regular contributor to Texas Gardener magazine. "We loved the Wildflower Center, and I thought perhaps they could use my photography to help communicate what a special place it is and how fortunate we are to have it right here in Austin," Bruce said. "Meanwhile, I'm having a great time and learning a lot about native plants and all the wildlife I see here." The Wildflower Center is grateful for the relationship and contribution of his magnificent fine art photography, which will be used as exhibits as well as enhancing our Native Plant Information Network image database.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Hymenocallis liriosme | Texas Spiderlily Spring Spiderlily Spiderlily Louisiana Spiderlily Western Marsh Spiderlily | |
Hymenocallis liriosme | Texas Spiderlily Spring Spiderlily Spiderlily Louisiana Spiderlily Western Marsh Spiderlily | |
Hymenocallis liriosme | Texas Spiderlily Spring Spiderlily Spiderlily Louisiana Spiderlily Western Marsh Spiderlily | |
Hydrocotyle umbellata | Manyflower Marsh-pennywort Many-flowered Marsh-pennywort Marsh Pennywort Water Pennywort Money Plant | |
Indigofera miniata | Scarlet Pea Coastal Indigo Texas Indigo Western Indigo | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Ipomopsis rubra | Standing Cypress Texas Plume Red Texas Star Red Gilia | |
Iris virginica var. shrevei | Shreve's Iris Virginia Iris Southern Blue Flag Blue Flag | |
Kosteletzkya virginica | Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow Virginia Fen-rose Saltmarsh Mallow Seashore Mallow | |
Kosteletzkya virginica | Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow Virginia Fen-rose Saltmarsh Mallow Seashore Mallow | |
Kosteletzkya virginica | Virginia Saltmarsh Mallow Virginia Fen-rose Saltmarsh Mallow Seashore Mallow | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Linum lewisii | Wild Blue Flax Prairie Flax Lewis Flax Lewis's Flax | |
Linum lewisii | Wild Blue Flax Prairie Flax Lewis Flax Lewis's Flax | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Liatris punctata var. mucronata | Texas Gayfeather Texas Blazing Star Texas Liatris Cusp Liatris Cusp Blazing Star Cusp Gayfeather Narrow-leaf Blazing Star Narrow-leaf Gayfeather Purples | |
Lonicera sempervirens | Coral Honeysuckle Trumpet Honeysuckle Woodbine | |
Ludwigia octovalvis | Mexican Primrose-willow Narrow-leaf Water Primrose Seedbox Mexican Primrose Willow | |
Ludwigia octovalvis | Mexican Primrose-willow Narrow-leaf Water Primrose Seedbox Mexican Primrose Willow | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Turk's Cap Drummond's Turk's Cap Drummond Turk's Cap Wax Mallow Drummond's Wax Mallow Drummond Wax Mallow Red Mallow Texas Mallow Mexican Apple Sleeping Hibiscus Bleeding Hearts Manzanita | |
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Turk's Cap Drummond's Turk's Cap Drummond Turk's Cap Wax Mallow Drummond's Wax Mallow Drummond Wax Mallow Red Mallow Texas Mallow Mexican Apple Sleeping Hibiscus Bleeding Hearts Manzanita | |
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Turk's Cap Drummond's Turk's Cap Drummond Turk's Cap Wax Mallow Drummond's Wax Mallow Drummond Wax Mallow Red Mallow Texas Mallow Mexican Apple Sleeping Hibiscus Bleeding Hearts Manzanita | |
Marshallia caespitosa | Barbara's-buttons Puffballs White Barbara's-buttons Barbara's Buttons | |
Malpighia glabra | Barbados Cherry Wild Crapemyrtle Acerola Manzanita | |
Malpighia glabra | Barbados Cherry Wild Crapemyrtle Acerola Manzanita | |
Mammillaria heyderi | Little Nipple Cactus Heyder Pincushion Cactus | |
Merremia dissecta | Alamo Vine Noyau Vine Correhuela De Las Doce | |
Melampodium leucanthum | Blackfoot Daisy Rock Daisy Plains Blackfoot Arnica | |
Melampodium leucanthum | Blackfoot Daisy Rock Daisy Plains Blackfoot Arnica | |
Mimosa roemeriana | Roemer's Mimosa Sensitive Briar | |
Mimosa roemeriana | Roemer's Mimosa Sensitive Briar | |
Monarda citriodora | Lemon Beebalm Purple Horsemint Lemon Mint Plains Horsemint Lemon Horsemint Horsemint Purple Lemon Mint | |
Nyctaginia capitata | Devil's Bouquet Scarlet Muskflower | |
Oenothera jamesii | Trumpet Evening-primrose Trumpet Evening Primrose River Primrose | |
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. incana | Bigfruit Evening-primrose Silver Leaf Primrose Bigfruit Evening Primrose | |
Oenothera speciosa | Pink Evening Primrose Showy Evening Primrose Mexican Evening Primrose Showy Primrose Pink Ladies Buttercups Pink Buttercups | |
Oenothera speciosa | Pink Evening Primrose Showy Evening Primrose Mexican Evening Primrose Showy Primrose Pink Ladies Buttercups Pink Buttercups | |
Oenothera speciosa | Pink Evening Primrose Showy Evening Primrose Mexican Evening Primrose Showy Primrose Pink Ladies Buttercups Pink Buttercups | |
Onosmodium bejariense var. bejariense | Soft-hair Marbleseed False Gromwell | |
Palafoxia hookeriana | Sand Palafox Showy Palafox Hooker Palafoxia Sand Palafoxia Hooker's Palafoxia | |
Palafoxia hookeriana | Sand Palafox Showy Palafox Hooker Palafoxia Sand Palafoxia Hooker's Palafoxia | |
Palafoxia hookeriana | Sand Palafox Showy Palafox Hooker Palafoxia Sand Palafoxia Hooker's Palafoxia | |
Pavonia lasiopetala | Rock Rose Rose Pavonia Rose Mallow Pavonia | |
Pavonia lasiopetala | Rock Rose Rose Pavonia Rose Mallow Pavonia | |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper | |
Parthenocissus quinquefolia | Virginia Creeper | |
Penstemon wrightii | Wright's Penstemon Wright's Beardtongue Wright Penstemon Wright Beardtongue | |
Phacelia congesta | Caterpillars Blue Curls Fiddleneck | |
Phacelia congesta | Caterpillars Blue Curls Fiddleneck | |
Phacelia congesta | Caterpillars Blue Curls Fiddleneck | |
Phlox drummondii ssp. mcallisteri | Mcallister's Phlox Drummond Phlox | |
Physostegia intermedia | Spring Obedient Plant Marsh Obedient Plant Slender False Dragonhead Intermediate False Dragonhead | |
Phyla nodiflora | Texas Frogfruit Turkey Tangle Fogfruit Frogfruit | |
Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed Pickerel Rush | |
Pontederia cordata | Pickerelweed Pickerel Rush | |
Prunus angustifolia | Chickasaw Plum Sandhill Plum | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Prunus mexicana | Mexican Plum Bigtree Plum Inch Plum | |
Quercus shumardii | Shumard Oak Shumard's Oak Shumard Red Oak Southern Red Oak Swamp Red Oak Spotted Oak | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Ratibida columnifera | Mexican Hat Red-spike Mexican Hat Upright Prairie Coneflower Prairie Coneflower Long-headed Coneflower Thimbleflower | |
Ranunculus macranthus | Large Buttercup | |
Rhynchospora colorata | Whitetop Sedge White-topped Sedge Starrush Whitetop Star Sedge Star Rush | |
Rhynchospora colorata | Whitetop Sedge White-topped Sedge Starrush Whitetop Star Sedge Star Rush | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia hirta | Black-eyed Susan Common Black-eyed Susan Brown-eyed Susan Blackeyed Susan | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Rudbeckia maxima | Giant Coneflower Great Coneflower Giant Brown-eyed Susan Cabbage Coneflower | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senna lindheimeriana | Lindheimer's Senna Velvet Leaf Senna Velvetleaf Senna Velvet-leaf Wild Sensitive-plant Puppy-dog Ears | |
Senegalia wrightii | Wright Acacia Wright's Acacia Catclaw Acacia Catclaw | |
Sisyrinchium chilense | Swordleaf Blue-eyed Grass Sword-leaf Blue-eyed Grass | |
Silene laciniata | Cardinal Catchfly Southern Indian Pink Mexican Campion Catchfly | |
Silphium radula | Roughstem Rosinweed | |
Solidago nemoralis | Gray Goldenrod Prairie Goldenrod Oldfield Goldenrod Grayleaf Goldenrod Gray-leaved Goldenrod Dyersweed Goldenrod Dwarf Goldenrod Field Goldenrod | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Sophora secundiflora | Texas Mountain Laurel Mountain Laurel Mescal Bean Mescal Bean Sophora Frijolillo Frijolito | |
Stenosiphon linifolius | False Gaura | |
Stenosiphon linifolius | False Gaura | |
Stenosiphon linifolius | False Gaura | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |