Native Plants
Image Gallery
Northington, David K.
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Acaciella angustissima | Prairie Acacia Fern Acacia Whiteball Acacia Prairie Wattle White-ball Acacia | |
Aesculus pavia | Red Buckeye Scarlet Buckeye Firecracker Plant | |
Agave parryi ssp. neomexicana | Parry's Agave New Mexico Agave | |
Agave parryi ssp. neomexicana | Parry's Agave New Mexico Agave | |
Aphanostephus ramosissimus | Plains Dozedaisy Lazy Daisy | |
Aquilegia chrysantha var. chaplinei | Chaplin's Yellow Columbine Chaplin's Golden Columbine Chaplin's Columbine Chapline Columbine Guadalupe Mountain Columbine | |
Aquilegia chrysantha var. chaplinei | Chaplin's Yellow Columbine Chaplin's Golden Columbine Chaplin's Columbine Chapline Columbine Guadalupe Mountain Columbine | |
Aquilegia chrysantha var. chaplinei | Chaplin's Yellow Columbine Chaplin's Golden Columbine Chaplin's Columbine Chapline Columbine Guadalupe Mountain Columbine | |
Argemone albiflora | Bluestem Pricklypoppy White Pricklypoppy White Prickly Poppy | |
Astrolepis integerrima | Hybrid Cloakfern | |
Astrolepis integerrima | Hybrid Cloakfern | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Asclepias tuberosa | Butterflyweed Butterfly Weed Butterfly Milkweed Orange Milkweed Pleurisy Root Chigger Flower Chiggerweed | |
Bidens frondosa | Devil's Beggartick Spanish Needles | |
Cakile lanceolata ssp. fusiformis | Coastal Searocket | |
Calylophus serrulatus | Yellow Sundrops Yellow Evening Primrose Plains Evening Primrose | |
Calylophus serrulatus | Yellow Sundrops Yellow Evening Primrose Plains Evening Primrose | |
Centaurea americana | American Basket-flower American Star-thistle Basket-flower Star Thistle Shaving Brush Basket Flower | |
Cercis canadensis var. texensis | Texas Redbud | |
Chaetopappa ericoides | Rose Heath Rose-heath | |
Chaetopappa ericoides | Rose Heath Rose-heath | |
Chaetopappa hersheyi | Guadalupe Leastdaisy | |
Chaetopappa hersheyi | Guadalupe Leastdaisy | |
Coreopsis tinctoria | Plains Coreopsis Golden Tickseed Goldenwave Calliopsis | |
Cryptantha minima | Little Cryptantha | |
Cryptantha minima | Little Cryptantha | |
Cryptantha palmeri | Palmer's Cryptantha | |
Dalea enneandra | Nine-anther Prairie Clover | |
Dalea jamesii | James's Prairie Clover | |
Dalea jamesii | James's Prairie Clover | |
Dalea purpurea var. purpurea | Purple Prairie Clover Violet Prairie Clover | |
Desmanthus illinoensis | Illinois Bundleflower Bundleflower Prairie Bundle Flower Prickleweed Illinois Desmanthus Prairie Mimosa | |
Dimorphocarpa wislizeni | Touristplant Spectacle Pod | |
Dyschoriste linearis | Snake Herb Polkadots Narrowleaf Dyschoriste | |
Dyschoriste linearis | Snake Herb Polkadots Narrowleaf Dyschoriste | |
Epipactis gigantea | Stream Orchid Chatterbox Orchid Giant Hellebore | |
Epipactis gigantea | Stream Orchid Chatterbox Orchid Giant Hellebore | |
Erysimum capitatum | Sand-dune Wallflower Western Wallflower Prairie Rocket | |
Escobaria vivipara var. vivipara | Spinystar | |
Escobaria vivipara var. vivipara | Spinystar | |
Gaillardia multiceps | Onion Blanketflower Gyp Indian Blanket | |
Gaillardia multiceps | Onion Blanketflower Gyp Indian Blanket | |
Gaillardia pinnatifida | Red Dome Blanketflower Yellow Gaillardia Blanket Flower | |
Gaillardia pinnatifida | Red Dome Blanketflower Yellow Gaillardia Blanket Flower | |
Helianthus annuus | Common Sunflower Annual Sunflower | |
Helianthus annuus | Common Sunflower Annual Sunflower | |
Hedeoma apiculata | Mckittrick's False Pennyroyal | |
Hedeoma apiculata | Mckittrick's False Pennyroyal | |
Helianthus ciliaris | Texas Blueweed | |
Helianthus ciliaris | Texas Blueweed | |
Heliotropium convolvulaceum | Phlox Heliotrope Fragrant Heliotrope | |
Heliotropium convolvulaceum | Phlox Heliotrope Fragrant Heliotrope | |
Heliotropium convolvulaceum | Phlox Heliotrope Fragrant Heliotrope | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | Salt Heliotrope Seaside Heliotrope Quail Plant Cola De Mico Cola De Gama | |
Heliotropium curassavicum | Salt Heliotrope Seaside Heliotrope Quail Plant Cola De Mico Cola De Gama | |
Helianthus maximiliani | Maximilian Sunflower Max Sunflower | |
Helianthus maximiliani | Maximilian Sunflower Max Sunflower | |
Helenium microcephalum | Smallhead Sneezeweed | |
Helianthus petiolaris | Prairie Sunflower Plains Sunflower | |
Helianthus petiolaris | Prairie Sunflower Plains Sunflower | |
Heuchera rubescens | Pink Alumroot Mountain Alumroot Red Alumroot Wild Coralbells | |
Holodiscus discolor | Ocean Spray Hillside Ocean-spray Cream Bush Mountain Spray | |
Holodiscus discolor | Ocean Spray Hillside Ocean-spray Cream Bush Mountain Spray | |
Hoffmannseggia glauca | Indian Rushpea Indian Rush-pea | |
Hoffmannseggia glauca | Indian Rushpea Indian Rush-pea | |
Hymenopappus biennis | Biennial Woollywhite | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ilex decidua | Possumhaw Possumhaw Holly Deciduous Holly Meadow Holly Prairie Holly Swamp Holly Welk Holly Deciduous Yaupon Bearberry Winterberry | |
Ipomopsis longiflora | Flaxflowered Ipomopsis Pale Trumpets Paleflower Gilia White-flower Skyrocket White-flowered Gilia | |
Isocoma pluriflora | Southern Goldenbush Jimmyweed | |
Isocoma pluriflora | Southern Goldenbush Jimmyweed | |
Leucophyllum frutescens | Cenizo Purple Sage Texas Ranger Texas Barometer Bush Texas Silverleaf Texas Sage Silverleaf | |
Lepidium montanum | Mountain Peppergrass Western Peppergrass Mountain Pepperweed Mountain Pepperwort Montana Pepperweed | |
Lesquerella purpurea | Rose Bladderpod Purple Bladderpod | |
Lesquerella valida | Strong Bladderpod Trong Bladderpod | |
Lithospermum incisum | Fringed Puccoon Golden Puccoon Narrowleaf Puccoon Narrow-leaved Puccoon Puccoon Narrowleaf Gromwell Fringed Gromwell Narrowleaf Stoneseed | |
Lithospermum incisum | Fringed Puccoon Golden Puccoon Narrowleaf Puccoon Narrow-leaved Puccoon Puccoon Narrowleaf Gromwell Fringed Gromwell Narrowleaf Stoneseed | |
Lilium philadelphicum | Wood Lily | |
Lilium philadelphicum | Wood Lily | |
Lilium philadelphicum | Wood Lily | |
Lilium philadelphicum | Wood Lily | |
Linum rigidum | Stiffstem Flax Large-flower Yellow Flax Yellow Flax | |
Linum rigidum | Stiffstem Flax Large-flower Yellow Flax Yellow Flax | |
Lupinus texensis | Texas Bluebonnet Bluebonnet Texas Lupine Buffalo Clover Wolf Flower | |
Maurandella antirrhiniflora | Snapdragon Vine Roving Sailor Climbing Snapdragon Little Snapdragon Vine | |
Malvaviscus arboreus var. drummondii | Turk's Cap Drummond's Turk's Cap Drummond Turk's Cap Wax Mallow Drummond's Wax Mallow Drummond Wax Mallow Red Mallow Texas Mallow Mexican Apple Sleeping Hibiscus Bleeding Hearts Manzanita | |
Mimosa roemeriana | Roemer's Mimosa Sensitive Briar | |
Nama xylopodum | Yellowseed Fiddleleaf | |
Nama xylopodum | Yellowseed Fiddleleaf | |
Oenothera albicaulis | Whitest Evening-primrose White-stem Evening-primrose Pale Evening-primrose | |
Oenothera canescens | Spotted Evening-primrose | |
Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. macrocarpa | Bigfruit Evening-primrose Fluttermill Missouri Evening Primrose | |
Oxalis drummondii | Drummond's Wood-sorrel Large-leaf Wood-sorrel Drummond's Woodsorrel | |
Oxytropis lambertii | Purple Locoweed | |
Oxytropis lambertii | Purple Locoweed | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |