Native Plants
Image Gallery
Bruso, George H.
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Aconitum columbianum | Columbian Monkshood | |
Acalypha virginica | Virginia Threeseed Mercury | |
Agastache nepetoides | Yellow Giant Hyssop | |
Agalinis purpurea | Purple False Foxglove Purple Gerardia Gerardia | |
Agalinis tenuifolia var. tenuifolia | Slenderleaf False Foxglove | |
Agalinis tenuifolia var. tenuifolia | Slenderleaf False Foxglove | |
Aletris farinosa | White Colicroot Colic Root Unicorn Root | |
Aletris farinosa | White Colicroot Colic Root Unicorn Root | |
Aletris farinosa | White Colicroot Colic Root Unicorn Root | |
Amphicarpaea bracteata | American Hogpeanut | |
Amphicarpaea bracteata | American Hogpeanut | |
Amsonia tabernaemontana | Eastern Bluestar Blue Dogbane Willow Amsonia Woodland Bluestar | |
Anoda cristata | Crested Anoda | |
Anoda cristata | Crested Anoda | |
Anaphalis margaritacea | Western Pearly Everlasting Pearly-everlasting | |
Apios americana | Groundnut Wild Potato Indian Potato | |
Apios americana | Groundnut Wild Potato Indian Potato | |
Apios americana | Groundnut Wild Potato Indian Potato | |
Aralia racemosa | American Spikenard | |
Aralia racemosa | American Spikenard | |
Aralia spinosa | Devil's Walking Stick Hercules Club Angelica Tree Pigeon Tree Shotbush Prickly Elder Prickly Ash | |
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum | Jack In The Pulpit | |
Arisaema triphyllum ssp. triphyllum | Jack In The Pulpit | |
Aureolaria virginica | Downy Yellow False Foxglove Downy False Foxglove | |
Aureolaria virginica | Downy Yellow False Foxglove Downy False Foxglove | |
Berlandiera subacaulis | Florida Greeneyes Common Greeneyes | |
Bidens frondosa | Devil's Beggartick Spanish Needles | |
Brickellia grandiflora | Tasselflower Brickellbush Large-flower Brickelbush | |
Brickellia grandiflora | Tasselflower Brickellbush Large-flower Brickelbush | |
Campanula aparinoides | Marsh Bellflower | |
Campanula aparinoides | Marsh Bellflower | |
Cardamine douglassii | Limestone Bittercress | |
Cardamine douglassii | Limestone Bittercress | |
Calochortus flexuosus | Winding Mariposa Lily | |
Castilleja miniata | Giant Red Indian Paintbrush Meadow Paintbrush | |
Cardamine pratensis | Cuckoo Flower | |
Cardamine pratensis | Cuckoo Flower | |
Caulophyllum thalictroides | Blue Cohosh Squaw-root Papoose-root Caulophylle Faux-pigamon | |
Caulophyllum thalictroides | Blue Cohosh Squaw-root Papoose-root Caulophylle Faux-pigamon | |
Chamerion angustifolium ssp. angustifolium | Fireweed Narrow-leaf Fireweed Willow Herb | |
Chelone obliqua | Red Turtlehead | |
Circaea lutetiana | Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade | |
Circaea lutetiana | Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade | |
Circaea lutetiana | Broadleaf Enchanter's Nightshade | |
Clethra alnifolia | Coastal Pepperbush Coastal Sweet Pepperbush Coastal Sweet Pepper Alderleaf Pepperbush Alderleaf Clethra Clethra Summer Sweet | |
Clarkia pulchella | Deerhorn Clarkia Beautiful Clarkia Ragged Robin Clarkia Ragged Robin Pink Fairies | |
Claytonia virginica | Virginia Springbeauty Springbeauty | |
Clinopodium vulgare | Wild Basil | |
Clinopodium vulgare | Wild Basil | |
Coreopsis auriculata | Lobed Tickseed Early Coreopsis Eared Coreopsis Dwarf Tickseed | |
Coreopsis auriculata | Lobed Tickseed Early Coreopsis Eared Coreopsis Dwarf Tickseed | |
Coreopsis auriculata | Lobed Tickseed Early Coreopsis Eared Coreopsis Dwarf Tickseed | |
Collinsonia canadensis | Richweed Stoneroot Citronella Horsebalm | |
Collinsonia canadensis | Richweed Stoneroot Citronella Horsebalm | |
Comarum palustre | Purple Cinquefoil Purple Marshlocks Marsh Cinquefoil | |
Comarum palustre | Purple Cinquefoil Purple Marshlocks Marsh Cinquefoil | |
Comandra umbellata | Bastard Toadflax | |
Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis Whorled Tickseed Whorled Coreopsis | |
Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis Whorled Tickseed Whorled Coreopsis | |
Coreopsis verticillata | Threadleaf Coreopsis Whorled Tickseed Whorled Coreopsis | |
Cryptotaenia canadensis | Canadian Honewort Wild Chervil | |
Cuscuta polygonorum | Smartweed Dodder Knotweed Dodder | |
Cuscuta polygonorum | Smartweed Dodder Knotweed Dodder | |
Cypripedium acaule | Moccasin Flower Pink Lady's Slipper | |
Cypripedium acaule | Moccasin Flower Pink Lady's Slipper | |
Delphinium nuttallianum | Twolobe Larkspur Two-lobe Larkspur Delphinium | |
Desmodium nudiflorum | Nakedflower Ticktrefoil | |
Desmodium rotundifolium | Prostrate Ticktrefoil | |
Decodon verticillatus | Swamp Loosestrife Swamp-loosestrife Water Willow | |
Decodon verticillatus | Swamp Loosestrife Swamp-loosestrife Water Willow | |
Decodon verticillatus | Swamp Loosestrife Swamp-loosestrife Water Willow | |
Decodon verticillatus | Swamp Loosestrife Swamp-loosestrife Water Willow | |
Dioscorea villosa | Wild Yam | |
Dioscorea villosa | Wild Yam | |
Drosera capillaris | Pink Sundew | |
Drosera capillaris | Pink Sundew | |
Echinocystis lobata | Wild Cucumber | |
Echinocystis lobata | Wild Cucumber | |
Echinocystis lobata | Wild Cucumber | |
Echinocystis lobata | Wild Cucumber | |
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum | Fringed Willowherb | |
Epilobium ciliatum ssp. glandulosum | Fringed Willowherb | |
Epifagus virginiana | Beechdrops | |
Epifagus virginiana | Beechdrops | |
Erigeron annuus | Eastern Daisy Fleabane Daisy Fleabane | |
Erigeron annuus | Eastern Daisy Fleabane Daisy Fleabane | |
Erigeron annuus | Eastern Daisy Fleabane Daisy Fleabane | |
Eriogonum flavum var. piperi | Piper's Golden Buckwheat | |
Ericameria nauseosa var. nauseosa | Rubber Rabbitbrush Rabbitbrush | |
Ericameria nauseosa var. nauseosa | Rubber Rabbitbrush Rabbitbrush | |
Erigeron pulchellus | Robin's Plantain Poor Robin's Plantain Rose Petty Robert's Plantain Blue Spring-daisy | |
Eriogonum umbellatum var. umbellatum | Sulphur-flower Buckwheat Common Sulphur Flower | |
Euonymus obovatus | Running Strawberry Bush Running Euonymus | |
Euonymus obovatus | Running Strawberry Bush Running Euonymus | |
Eutrochium purpureum | Purple Joepyeweed Sweet-scented Joepyeweed Sweet Joepyeweed | |
Filipendula rubra | Queen Of The Prairie Queen-of-the-prairie | |
Galium boreale | Northern Bedstraw | |
Geum aleppicum | Yellow Avens | |
Geum aleppicum | Yellow Avens | |
Geum aleppicum | Yellow Avens | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |