Native Plants
Image Gallery
Waitt, Damon E.
Dr. Waitt serves as the Wildflower Center's botanical authority and is the author of the Wildflower Center's Native Plant Information Network. His publications include the electronic version of Native and Naturalized Woody Plants of Austin and the Texas Hill Country and the revised edition of Texas Wildflowers. Prior to joining the Wildflower Center in 2002, Dr. Waitt served on the faculty at Saint Edward's University and Southwestern University.The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |
Acer grandidentatum | Bigtooth Maple Big-toothed Maple Uvalde Bigtooth Maple Southwestern Bigtooth Maple Canyon Maple Sabinal Maple Western Sugar Maple | |
Acer grandidentatum | Bigtooth Maple Big-toothed Maple Uvalde Bigtooth Maple Southwestern Bigtooth Maple Canyon Maple Sabinal Maple Western Sugar Maple | |
Acer negundo | Box Elder Box Elder Maple Ash-leaved Maple Ashleaf Maple Red River Maple Fresno De Guajuco | |
Arbutus xalapensis | Texas Madrone Madrone Texas Arbutus Manzanita Xoxocote Amazaquitl | |
Carya illinoinensis | Pecan | |
Carya illinoinensis | Pecan | |
Carya illinoinensis | Pecan | |
Carya illinoinensis | Pecan | |
Cercis canadensis var. mexicana | Mexican Redbud | |
Cercis canadensis var. mexicana | Mexican Redbud | |
Cercis canadensis var. mexicana | Mexican Redbud | |
Echinocactus texensis | Horse Crippler Horse Crippler Cactus Devil's Head Chisos Hedgehog Cactus Chisos Hedgehog | |
Echinocactus texensis | Horse Crippler Horse Crippler Cactus Devil's Head Chisos Hedgehog Cactus Chisos Hedgehog | |
Eragrostis spectabilis | Purple Lovegrass Purple Love Grass Purple Plains Lovegrass Tumblegrass Petticoat Climber | |
Euphorbia cyathophora | Wild Poinsettia Poinsettia Fire On The Mountain | |
Euphorbia cyathophora | Wild Poinsettia Poinsettia Fire On The Mountain | |
Hilaria belangeri var. belangeri | Curly-mesquite | |
Hibiscus martianus | Heartleaf Rosemallow Tulipan Del Monte Heartleaf Hibiscus | |
Juglans major | Arizona Walnut Arizona Black Walnut River Walnut Mountain Walnut Nogal Silvestre | |
Lenophyllum texanum | Coastal Stonecrop | |
Lenophyllum texanum | Coastal Stonecrop | |
Manfreda maculosa | False Aloe Spice Lily Spice-lily | |
Manfreda maculosa | False Aloe Spice Lily Spice-lily | |
Maclura pomifera | Osage Orange Bois d' Arc Bodark Horse Apple Hedge Apple Bowwood Yellowwood Naranjo Chino Monkey Brains | |
Maclura pomifera | Osage Orange Bois d' Arc Bodark Horse Apple Hedge Apple Bowwood Yellowwood Naranjo Chino Monkey Brains | |
scientific name | common name(s) | image gallery |