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Faucette, Steven

The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is committed to developing the premier resource for native plant images in North America through continued growth of the Plant Image Gallery. You can help us achieve our mission increase the sustainable use and conservation of native wildflowers, plants, and landscapes... by becoming a contributor.

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69 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery
Aquilegia canadensisEastern Red Columbine
Wild Red Columbine
Arisaema triphyllumJack In The Pulpit
Indian Jack In The Pulpit
Arisaema triphyllumJack In The Pulpit
Indian Jack In The Pulpit
Chelone glabraWhite Turtlehead
Chamaelirium luteumFairywand
Blazing Star
Chamaelirium luteumFairywand
Blazing Star
Chimaphila maculataStriped Prince's Pine
Spotted Wintergreen
Spotted Pipsissewa
Rheumatism Root
Striped Wintergreen
Chrysogonum virginianumGreen And Gold
Clitoria marianaAtlantic Pigeonwings
Butterfly Pea
Clintonia umbellulataWhite Clintonia
White Bluebead-lily
Speckled Wood-lily
scientific namecommon name(s)image gallery

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69 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page