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Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 97,062 plant images. From this page you can use the search bar to find a specific image or view plants by family, photographer or collection. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


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57 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

scientific namecommon nameimages
Hybanthus concolorEastern Greenviolet
Green Violet
Hybanthus verticillatusBabyslippers
Nodding Green Violet
Green Violet
Viola ×primulifoliaPrimrose-leaf Hybrid Violet
Primrose-leaved Violet
Viola aduncaHooked-spur Violet
Western Blue Violet
Western Dog Violet
Viola affinisSand Violet
Pale Early Violet
Thinleaf Violet
Small Blue Violet
Viola aureaGolden Violet
Viola bicolorField Pansy
Wild Pansy
Viola blandaSweet White Violet
Woodland White Violet
Viola blanda var. palustriformisSweet White Violet
Viola canadensisCanadian White Violet
Canada Violet
scientific namecommon nameimages

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57 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page