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Welcome to the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center's collection of 97,062 plant images. From this page you can use the search bar to find a specific image or view plants by family, photographer or collection. All thumbnails are linked to larger versions of the image and image information.


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43 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

scientific namecommon nameimages
Anagallis minimaChaffweed
Androsace chamaejasme ssp. lehmannianaLehmann's Rockjasmine
Androsace septentrionalisPygmyflower Rockjasmine
Northern Fairy Candelabra
Dodecatheon alpinumAlpine Shootingstar
Dodecatheon amethystinumJeweled Shootingstar
Amethyst Shootingstar
Dodecatheon clevelandiiPadre's Shootingstar
Dodecatheon conjugensBonneville Shootingstar
Dodecatheon frigidumWestern Arctic Shootingstar
Western Artic Shootingstar
Northern Shootingstar
Dodecatheon hendersoniiMosquito Bills
Broad-leaved Shooting Star
Dodecatheon jeffreyiSierra Shootingstar
Tall Mountain Shootingstar
scientific namecommon nameimages

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43 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page