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Lonicera canadensis

Lonicera canadensis W. Bartram ex Marshall

American Fly Honeysuckle

Caprifoliaceae (Honeysuckle Family)

USDA Symbol: LOCA7

Lonicera canadensis (American fly honeysuckle) #40828

Image Information

Photographer: Cressler, Alan
County: Union
State: GA
Location Notes: North aspect boulder field. Chattahoochee National Forest.
Accession date: 2014-08-28
Filename: A_C_IMG0933.JPG
Slide Index: 8671220662_0a2a021251_o.jpg
Restrictions: Unrestricted
Collection: Wildflower Center Digital Library
Original Format: Digital
Orientation: Portrait
Shot: A plant in its habitat. Photographer's note: "American/Canadian fly honeysuckle. The species becomes increasingly uncommon in the southern Appalachian Mountains. This site is currently the southern most known location. There are about thirty plants. According to my friend Steve Bowling, the species was located at this site by botanist Wilbur Duncan around 1963. It was not seen again until Steve relocated it in the early 1970s. Repeated attempts to relocate the species by Steve and other in recent times did not yield any plants. It was assumed that the colony did not survive a drought or warming climate or something. On April 20, 2013, Steve and I were in the boulder field cove looking at wildflowers and Steve relocated a population of approximately 30 shrubs which were in full bloom. The population is healthy with some shrubs over head high."
Date Taken: 2013-04-20
NPIN Image Id: 40828

Image Verification

This image has been verified.
By: Joseph A. Marcus
Date: 2014-08-27

From the Image Gallery

7 photo(s) available in the gallery

Additional resources

USDA: Find Lonicera canadensis images in USDA Plants
Google: Search Google Images for Lonicera canadensis