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Photographer: Cressler, Alan
County: Bibb State: GA Location Notes: Brown's Mount. Bond Swamp National Wildlife Refuge. Accession date: 2014-08-28 Filename: A_C_IMG0864.JPG Slide Index: 8678328695_46af503a61_o.jpg Restrictions: Unrestricted Collection: Wildflower Center Digital Library
Original Format: Digital Orientation: Portrait Shot: Two fronds in the middle from the hybrid species, Asplenium ×kentuckiense. The two fronds on the right are of from its parent species, Asplenium platyneuron and the two on the left are from its other parent species, Asplenium pinnatifidum. Photographer's note: "This is a very rare hybrid between the lobed spleenwort and the ebony speenwort. It was reported from Brown's Mount and since the area reopened to the public a few years ago I have searched several times for a plant of the hybrid. I strongly suspect the original plant was collected as a specimen. Repeated years of drought were rough on the lobed spleenwort population. Ebony spleenwort is less effected by drought. Plants are looking good this year because of all the rain. I finally found a small plant of the hybrid growing with both parents nearby. Hopefully the continued rain this year will be beneficial to the hybrid." Date Taken: 2013-04-24 NPIN Image Id: 40759
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By: Joseph A. Marcus Date: 2014-10-22