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Thursday - May 02, 2013

From: Austin, TX
Region: Southwest
Topic: Diseases and Disorders, Trees
Title: Is it normal for the bark to fall off an oak tree in Austin, TX
Answered by: Jimmy Mills


Is it normal for live oak bark to fall off when touched? I am afraid to get near them?


Since the bark on a tree plays a critical role in the functioning of the plant, having the bark fall off is not a good sign. The extended drought has taken its toll on our oak trees, and in many cases, it has left trees susceptible to various microbial diseases. The Texas Plant Disease Handbook describes several of these. A big problem with oak trees in Texas is oakwilt .

The next thing you need to do is have a knowledgeable person examine your trees and determine what the problem is. This person could be someone from the Travis County office of Texas Agrilife Extension , someone from the Texas Forest Service , or a Certified Arborist. They will be able to advise what your next action should be.


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