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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

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Wednesday - March 02, 2016

From: Dripping Springs, TX
Region: Select Region
Topic: Trees
Title: Does Possumhaw need full sun for a bountiful crop of berries?
Answered by: Guy Thompson


I planted a possumhaw last year in a sunny location, however as the season changed the plant became shaded by a large Ashe juniper all through the winter. No berries this winter, but it is a young plant. Do you think it will produce the beautiful red berries where it's been planted, or do you think that I should transplant it to an all year round sunny location? Thanks.


Ilex decidua (Possumhaw) will produce its colorful berries in partial shade, but for a spectacular show of berries it needs full sun.  This and other tips on growing Possumhaw can be found at this web site.


From the Image Gallery

Ilex decidua

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