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Q. Who is Mr. Smarty Plants?

A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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Wednesday - December 09, 2009

From: Sydney Australia,
Region: Other
Topic: Non-Natives
Title: Gift plant for a new arrival in Texas.
Answered by: Jimmy Mills


To Whom it May Concern, I am writing to you from Sydney, Australia. My sister is moving to Texas and I wanted to give her a native plant as a present. Is there anyway I could arrange that with you, or even some seedlings. I could pay via credit card and give you their address or tell them to pick it up? Thanks in advance.


Mr. Smarty is happy to welcome another plant lover to Texas and your idea about giving your sister a native plant is fine. However, the Wildflower Center only sells plants at our semiannual Spring and Fall sales on site, so we can't accommodate your request. Since you didn't mention where your sister was moving in Texas, finding an appropriate plant would be difficult.

An alternative suggestion for a gift is for you to shop at the Wildflower Center Store where you can find a wide variety of plant related gifts. They accept credit cards and they ship.

Another possibility is to go to our National Suppliers Directory. Type in the name of the city where your sister will live, and you will get a list of local business that sell native plants or seeds and provide professional landscape or consulting services. Explore the different businesses to find what plants they have available and recommend.






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