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A: There are those who suspect Wildflower Center volunteers are the culpable and capable culprits. Yet, others think staff members play some, albeit small, role. You can torture us with your plant questions, but we will never reveal the Green Guru's secret identity.

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252 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page

Is Bushy Knotweed carcinogenic from West Grove PA
September 06, 2012
Is the invasive Bushy Knotweed / PORA3 / Polygonum ramosissimum toxic to the extent that the spores are carcinogenic?
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Petals on Black eyed Susans not developing from Austin
September 04, 2012
I just read Barbara Medfords response to undeveloped petals on perennial black eyed susans and was disappointed not to find a better explanation. I have had the exact same thing happen to mine, and I...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Bird nest fungus in Central Austin, TX.
August 21, 2012
Hi, I live in Central Austin and have different types of ground cover (such as silver pony foot)in my garden and have noticed huge patches of bird's nest fungi in between and under. Every time it ...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

How to distinguish male and female grape vines in Gage OK.
August 19, 2012
Are there male and female plants for wild grapes? If so, how do we tell the difference?
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

How Do Persimmons Breed - Starkville, MS
August 14, 2012
Thank you for your earlier response about the genders of native persimmon trees. We have two, a much larger one that has borne fruit for years and years and a smaller one that I'd just assumed was m...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Is it safe to eat vegetables grown in the same bed as foxgloves?
August 12, 2012
I have foxglove in my flower beds and have planted tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and cantaloupe in the flower bed and now I am concerned about the shared root system. Also, my tomatoes are touching the...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Difference between class notes and size notes on website
August 09, 2012
I enjoy using the native plant database in planning my flower beds. However, I don't know the difference between Class notes and size notes. Can you help me out?
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Forestiera pubescens blooming in July
August 07, 2012
I have a lot of what appears to be Forestiera pubescens. They are covered with the dark blue/black berries and flowers. Apparently they are blooming again in the middle of July. I live about 35 mile...
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Growth on top of Echinacea purpurea (Eastern purple coneflower)
July 03, 2012
I grow purple coneflowers in my garden. ONE plant has something growing on the top of each cone. I would like to know what it is but I don't see how I can add a photo to this post.
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer

Leaf motion in still air in ON
June 25, 2012
What causes a tree or plant to dance when the other plants around it are still and no wind???
View Mr. Smarty Plants' Answer


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252 Results:   10 25  50  100 per page